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  1. tommytoker

    16 days and nos flowering

    You would do alot better with a HPS for flowering. Under a 400w HPS mine flowered in 5 days.
  2. tommytoker

    Trunk5's 400watt stealth grow cab. Lots of Pics..

    Your area should grow 4 plants at best. The height isn't enough. Mine were in a 62" high grow box and I had to raise the top another 22" because at 5 weeks the 400w HPS was burning my taller plants. Now is thre time before you start. I think that the 400w HPS is too much for your grow box...
  3. tommytoker

    How much longer before harvest?? PICS!

    at least 2 wks. please look closer to the tricomes
  4. tommytoker

    dry yeild

    thanks Hemlock
  5. tommytoker

    dry yeild

    Please tell me the average dry yeild of 30"-36" plants indoor grow
  6. tommytoker

    Please Help!! Plants almos @ 6 weeks flower but lights left on 24/7 for past 1.5 wks!

    If ur pic reveals 5 wks flower then I am so girls (at 5wks) have large colas and about 14 buds per node/branch
  7. tommytoker

    12/12 interupted! can they be saved?

    Wow girls had lots of buds at 3 weeks....sexed in 5 days. How long did you veg at 24 on?
  8. tommytoker

    Maturing and Harvest Time?

    get a microscope and when the trichones are around 40% brownish orange harvest for a ass kicking speedy high. I will wait till around 60% brownish orange for a more relaxed high.
  9. tommytoker

    My ladies are taking LONG to flower and I'm getting paranoid

    I vegged under 6500K CFLs for 4 wks and flowering under 400w hps in a 2x4 grow box lined w/ tin foil and my plants sexed in 5-6 days. Are you using 2700K cfls?
  10. tommytoker

    Leaves Curling DOWN help! high temps! small buds!!

    My girls are 6 wks flowering and look worse than yours. I over fert. mine 2 weeks back. I flushed and the leaves dried up and the buds are still getting largeer,
  11. tommytoker

    Flowering leaf discoloration please HELP

    I havw 4 girls just over 5 wks flowering and they arre doing the same as yoursare. It's not the fan leaves but the small leave coming out at the buds. I flushed with water but they are getting worse. If you find the problem please post.
  12. tommytoker

    Sick Plant

    After 5 wks of flowering my girls show signs of something ......Yelow spots and edges onleaves near buds. Please help me understand if anything is wrong and what to do about it.