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  1. tommytoker

    can i start flowering

    not going to harvest much bud .....let the plant veg a few(4) more weeks
  2. tommytoker

    when can i flower

    I have been growing veg and flwrg for 15 weeks and still have at least 3 wks before a toke.
  3. tommytoker

    Male or Female?

  4. tommytoker

    Buying Seeds

    Can someone tell me how to buy seeds successfully
  5. tommytoker

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    your wrong....I don't hate Obama but would like for the man to start fullfilling his campaign promises.....inheriting a bad economy is what he campaigned for to "change"... the only change i've seen is an american president bowing to those saudi bastards.
  6. tommytoker

    Help with male and female sexing

    u did't say how long u had been flwg.....just watch and you can see hairs or nuts soon.
  7. tommytoker

    Going on third weeks budding

    yes they are chasing the light source.....16"-20" for 400w distance. I had to re-build my grow box at 4 1/2 wks max now is 7'
  8. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    what and where can I get k for some of my younger plants at 3-4 wks flwrg?
  9. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    thanks, someone else said it might be a K defiency. No sign of mold as you described it. Those white/yelowy leaves aren't crunchy but still very pliable.
  10. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    I'm not arguing with the too hot problem BUT...the room where the growbox is 72-74 degrees. However the 400w HPS light gives off around 110 dgrees or hotter. So if the cooler air is 74 and the exhaust is around 110.....the average is 92
  11. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    using a commercial fungicide with-in 1 1/2 wksbefore that safe?
  12. tommytoker

    Hi, It's Vince with Slapchop!

    no but a coffee grinder does the trick from course rolling green to flower for making butter...$12 at wallymart
  13. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    I have a fan low to bring in fresh air and a bath room exhaust fan vented w/ duct outside.
  14. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    I live in the south and daily temps reach 96-100 degrees in the summer. It's and indoor grow in a grow box in an a/c room. Don't know how to keep them cooler.
  15. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    the trichs are mushroom headed and milky. the smell is so nice....sweet and good green smell
  16. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    First noticed yellowing 6/25. Thought it was light burn so I raised my light head room up 24".
  17. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    yep same plant
  18. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    Haven't thought about mold. Humidity is on the high side because I have 7 full grown plants in a 2x4x7h grow box. Watering properly adds a lot of humidity under a 400w HPS light. How would I lower the humidity? Where can I find a fungicied to treat my girls before life is over for them?
  19. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    checked 4-5 times daily....heat is 92 degrees and watering isn;t the problem.
  20. tommytoker

    Please help Sick plants

    My girls are indoor grow, 61/2 wks into flwrg and look awful...conditions have been... Under 400w HPS, Fert...miracle grow bloom buster, flushed with fresh water a wk ago, ph=5.6-6-2,