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  1. Roflicer

    First week of flowering, watcha think?

    Yeah they do ive pulled several off already, I keep hearing its a cal mag def
  2. Roflicer

    First week of flowering, watcha think?

    Haha we meet again old friend. and yes the lower leaves are the ones dying I noticed the top was starting to become yellowing but after the first flower nute feed they turned green again but lower leaves still dying off.
  3. Roflicer

    First week of flowering, watcha think?

    Back two got topped twice, smaller one in front never been topped, prob will become issue the further into flowering I get because If I am not mistake it will grow vertically alot quicker than the two topped. Anyways all opinions appreciated, 3 months in veg even tho 3 weeks they were stunted...
  4. Roflicer

    Roflicers Smoke House - 600w 4x4 tent - White Widow and Hawaii Mauii

    Been flowing for a week now, how long till buds start developing? But anyways update! I started one of the plants pretty young but its doing pretty good and the other 2 are frigging bushes the smaller one has never been topped, the 2 others been topped twice. Still dealing with random necrosis...
  5. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Indeed, its something for to this one single plant, I mix the solution in one large container then feed each one with it, the soil is all from the same bag etc etc. The new growth looks fine, but the old growth is still getting worse, but these leaves could have already been damaged and just...
  6. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    I do the lift method and only water when it feels like the pot is filled with starphoam
  7. Roflicer

    Having Leaf Problems(repost WITH PICS!)

    Had something similiar happen to one of my plants, been fighting it for a month now. Have heard no less than half a dozen theories, it improves sometimes and declines, I think im just going to have to suck it up and truck on
  8. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Also its been a week since the flush, waited 3 days then fed, now its been 4 days and still really no improvement
  9. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Call who? New growth looks okish, old growth is still getting curb stomped, plant is still growing tho
  10. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Negative can't find a place near me that does it, closest one was like a hour and half away
  11. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    There are two other plants and they are within a foot of each other and none of them are demonstrating this, cant I pull the plant out of the pot to see this?
  12. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Ill take some more pics today, but its still spreading to other leaves, and the plant is beginning to look pretty bad. But light doesnt come back on till 8 hours from now D:
  13. Roflicer

    Reverse Osmosis Filter System

    ALSO, does it lower the ph of the water? my well water is 7.2
  14. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Obviously you didn't read any of my post? I haven't argued with a single person, I went with the first experienced growers advice I got, now ill go to the second.
  15. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Yeah they are still dying even after I did big bloom and tiger bloom. So guess ill try ES
  16. Roflicer

    Leaves went limp, what does this mean again?

    Watered it, next day it was fine. But my other sickly plant is still getting worse, le sigh
  17. Roflicer

    Leaves went limp, what does this mean again?

    Haha! All according to plan :hump:
  18. Roflicer

    I Just Need to Bounce This off the Community. Venting, Mostly.

    How did you get busted. And all of that for 3 fucking grams lol? Also, and this is going to be tough to hear but you do need to hear it: Going from being in a sexually active relationship to nothing...for 19 months...and taking into account how she virtually abandoned you...I would say it's a...