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  1. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Idno what NPK feeding ratios are D:
  2. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    So the myron ones will test soil tho? Also this problem was occuring before the flush, I did the flush because I thought salt might be building up. So what I need to do is flush again but this time with water from the store, and then continue on with life like this never happened? I was going...
  3. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Oh and I see what your saying, so for flushing the 7.2 is an issue, but for watering its not since the nutes are lowering the Ph...Fuckin smart.
  4. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Plants are like 3months old but first month growth was stunted. Im at work right now ill do a home test but last time I did it didnt really help out went some weird color thta wasnt even on the scale. If its inconclusive ill go to some place that will test it, So since I only have the 7.2ph...
  5. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    medium is root organics 707
  6. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    temps are in the 70-85 range. maybe high 60s some times. I water with a 7.2ph water (should I be adding something to those to lower the ph?) And I cant test it right now but tomorrow ill test the soil Ph, I only have the rapidtest ph tester for the soil and idno how accurate it is, but ill...
  7. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    This was by far the biggest plant I had and just recently the other one surpassed it and this one has looked quite sickly for some time. I was using 1/3 strength nutes then stepped up to 1/2 strength last feed, This has been going on for probably 2 weeks now and its just getting worse and also...
  8. Roflicer

    My well waters test results came in, What does this mean for me and my plants?

    Growing 3 plants, 2 are fine, but the one just has random ass necrosis on random ass leaves randomally on the plants.
  9. Roflicer

    Yellowing and yellow lines on leaves, wtf is this
  10. Roflicer

    Roflicers Smoke House - 600w 4x4 tent - White Widow and Hawaii Mauii

    Yes I did, and the issue isnt major, apparently one of them is starving it appears found out what I was doing wrong and corrected it...should be fine hopefully doesnt result in nute burn tho
  11. Roflicer

    My well waters test results came in, What does this mean for me and my plants?

    I am growing in roots organics 707 soil and use well water to water my plants..ran into some issues and was instructed to find out what the contents of the water are and here they are...results are as following Free Availible Chlorine: 0 ppm Water Ph: 7.2 Total Alkalinity: 350ppm Calcium...
  12. Roflicer

    Yellowing and yellow lines on leaves, wtf is this

    Ok I got my test results back and I am going to make a post about it in the indoor growing section! Hope to see yall tgere
  13. Roflicer

    Roflicers Smoke House - 600w 4x4 tent - White Widow and Hawaii Mauii

    id like to switch now but one of the plants is having some sort of issue so I need to get it resolved before I throw it into flowering
  14. Roflicer

    TheDillestPickle's First Grow Journal

    If you dont mind check on my journal and provide me with some feedback ;D
  15. Roflicer

    Soon to be 2012 Harvest #1

    Very nice, your advice is what has gotten me as far as I have gotten during my first grow and now I can see it definately pays off. Very nice beautiful plants, what you thinking their yields going to be and which topping method did you use?
  16. Roflicer

    TheDillestPickle's First Grow Journal

    Lol to get 4 colas what I did was top the plant and let those 2 main branches branch off, then topped those 2. I was told thats the way to go lol
  17. Roflicer

    Noob Mistakes that I Made, So You Don't Have To!

    Im in the midst of my first grow on lolol here we go, 1.) Started growing in party cups under incandescent 100w lightbuld, plant stretched out and they were seedling appearance for 3 weeks straight. 2.) Got grow tent but had to ventilation and no air circulation, stunted plant growth also...
  18. Roflicer

    Are my plants too bushy? Pics inside.

    Nice, I think I am at a foot and half, Ill prob start flowering tomorrow! Exciting stuff. Actually I just fed them some more nutes yesterday, so maybe ill wait a week idno. Give my one plant more time to fix its shit lol. So in your 2 weeks of flower how much have they grown, I was told to...
  19. Roflicer

    Are my plants too bushy? Pics inside.

    hps I wish I could tell you some awesome story about how it increases yeilds or something, but truth is I was told hps was fun for both stages and one day I was at the hydro store and this dude was orgasming talking about how much better MH is than HPS when vegging, so I bought a MH and switch...