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  1. Roflicer

    My House Got Raided Today.

    I know better than most its people running their mouths that get them busted, 1 friend knew because he is suppose to start growing too and another because he is the one who would be buying it all (he sells 2-3 lbs per week). But yeah it def ended up out of control, I guess ill take it down later...
  2. Roflicer

    My House Got Raided Today.

    Oh you googled my name, none of those are me, this name is incredibly popular on the gaming circuit, there are like 200 Roflicers who play WoW and who knows how mnay on sc2, and that isnt my valve
  3. Roflicer

    My House Got Raided Today.

    Haha lmao I do wtf
  4. Roflicer

    Reverse Osmosis Filter System

    What the fuck would I be doing where I need 100 gallons a day, 3 gallons a day would be perfect for my 3 plants lol
  5. Roflicer

    Leaves went limp, what does this mean again?

    Leaves all went completely limp, I didn't post a picture because its a normal healthy looks plant, but all the leaves went limp like no support. I forgot if that is temperture stress or thirst, i watered it a little bit and some water started running out instantly. Actually thinking about it...
  6. Roflicer

    My House Got Raided Today.

    I know like 99% of the time they claim its a warrant to search and its actually asking for permission to search. If something ever happens to me im going to be like nope fuck u. I will know they have legit and real cause when I am in handcuffs watching them do it, but other than that its them...
  7. Roflicer

    My House Got Raided Today.

    Holy fuck I think im about to trash my plants after reading this thread. I live in Texas and I grow but I don't even smoke. I told 2 of my best friends I grow and we were having a party and this girl was talking about how she smokes weed and he blurted out that I grow weed in front of like 7...
  8. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Meh still getting worse, but Just flushed last night with 10 gallons.
  9. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Appreciate it imm wait 2-3 days and take a swing, I just want my baby to be healthy again ;D
  10. Roflicer

    Should i cut them before its too late?

    I like this guys style
  11. Roflicer

    Reverse Osmosis Filter System

    Ok so I plan on using well water for watering my plants but issues, is its jacked full of calcium and the ph is a little too high, I was told that a RO filter would fix all my problems, so any suggestions on a good one to get? I am growing in soil but I may switch to hydro one day if thats...
  12. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Alot of great and fantastic advice apreciate it. I flushed with 6 gallons of RO water and put it back in her tent. Hope that pans out!
  13. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Well I am saying that after I flush there will be nothing in the soil anymore so I should feed right after? Or should I just flush then let dry out?
  14. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    so flush, then right after feed with 1/2 or 1/3 strength nute?
  15. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Just got home and the plant is looking in real bad shape, I am about to go to the store to grab the water, after I flushed should I water with cal-mag?
  16. Roflicer

    How long till flowering begins?

    Once you start 12/12 ABOUT how long does it take to show gender/flowers?
  17. Roflicer

    6 weeks in veg...nute help!

    8 weeks? the fuck, if you click under my name where it says journal you can see what my 8-10 week veg plants look like, and they spent 3-4 weeks of that time being stunted...You need to get some air circulation or something, you're missing something very important for your growth to be so slow
  18. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Good info and Ill make sure I invest in some dolomite next time around, and I have only flushed once during the entire grow. And dealing with the water I was told not to worry about it because when I mix in the fox farms nutrient they will drop the p to desired levels, buying test strips tonight...
  19. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    Sorry this is my first grow I have never heard of hardwater methods D:, but its starting to sound like I need to buy a reverse osmosis filter
  20. Roflicer

    Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick

    I watered multiple times with full strength cal-mag :( My well waters calcium hardness is 340 ppm but the thing I thought about was after I flushed with the 7.2 ph water, I immediately watered like a hour later with nutrient solution so that would have lowered the ph of the soil me thinks! Also...