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  1. Roflicer

    Roflicers Smoke House - 600w 4x4 tent - White Widow and Hawaii Mauii

    Any questions ask away! All advice and suggestions is appreciated and repped!
  2. Roflicer

    Roflicers Smoke House - 600w 4x4 tent - White Widow and Hawaii Mauii

    Let me preface this by saying this is my very first grow ever. I have already made various mistakes and been playing catch up ever since. I am growing White Widow and Hawaii Mauii Current Issue: There seems to be non-existant plant growth, height wise. They seem to be growing very slowly...
  3. Roflicer

    Check out progress over 10 days, I am very impressed

    This is from December 17th to December 27th, I am very proud. Height seems to be an issue as they are not growing much, plants are about a month and half old. December 17th December 27th Thoughts?
  4. Roflicer

    Disease or deficiency? No idea what this is

    Oh my god I am so fucking embarassed, Yes. When I mixed the cal mag I splashed it on the leaves -.- So could that be it, because yeah when I was looking at this last leaf I found today thats exactly what it looked like, where a liquid had set
  5. Roflicer

    Disease or deficiency? No idea what this is

    Looks sort of like a magnesium deficiency but I fed calmag last feed also I dont see any obvious yellowing except where its dying, any help?
  6. Roflicer

    Disease or deficiency? No idea what this is

    Also here are the plants from further back
  7. Roflicer

    Help!!!!!!! Dying plants!!!

    Jesus fuck what was your overhead for that grow dude? Like 2000 dollars? Also that amount of lights seem severely excessive
  8. Roflicer

    Disease or deficiency? No idea what this is

    First time grower, never seen this before. Showed pics to local hydro shop, he was clueless. Second picture shows the dmg alot better and I know its not pest because there are none of the tell tell signs of a pest. Any tips or help is greatly appreciated
  9. Roflicer

    Going to turn this closet into a clone room, suggestions and advice needed

    Yeah i noticed it too, thought maybe he was having a heating issue because he ran the duct directly under the light and and its facing it so idno
  10. Roflicer

    Going to turn this closet into a clone room, suggestions and advice needed

    Dude you just blew my mind, you have like the same exact equipment I have, and the closet looks identicle, top shelf and everything. I dont think you can see mine in my pics but thats insane. Your looks alot more professional too, can you link me to those carbon filters? I need to buy some about...
  11. Roflicer

    Going to turn this closet into a clone room, suggestions and advice needed

    Im just not going to worry about it, I sleep in the same room so running an intake fan is kind of ridiculous and wont be able to sleep, for clones it should be enough
  12. Roflicer

    Possible bugs or...? Very urgent

    Yeah hopefully its nothing too serious because I cant get out to the hydroponics store till wednesday
  13. Roflicer

    Going to turn this closet into a clone room, suggestions and advice needed

    Fantastic, I can def do that, wake up, open door while get rdy for work, open it when i get home
  14. Roflicer

    Possible bugs or...? Very urgent

    This happened since I last checked on my plants at like midnight last night, and its on various spots on other leaves, curious as to what it could be. I fed them about 2 days ago and today I got these, I woudl assume some sort of deficiency but on the underside its like the leaf is eaten away...
  15. Roflicer

    Going to turn this closet into a clone room, suggestions and advice needed

    The hole would be leading to an attic, and Idno i have to go into the attic and check out whats above, but thats probably thats my best bet
  16. Roflicer

    Going to turn this closet into a clone room, suggestions and advice needed

    So the temperatures outside have been in the 40s and 50s, my grow tent is outside but because I have a heater in it it stays in mid 70s. But my clones are expose to this cold weather, and while its not killing them I know its slowing their growth. So I have a closet in my bedroom I have never...
  17. Roflicer

    Going to turn this closet into a clone room, suggestions and advice needed

    So the temperatures outside have been in the 40s and 50s, my grow tent is outside but because I have a heater in it it stays in mid 70s. But my clones are expose to this cold weather, and while its not killing them I know its slowing their growth. So I have a closet in my bedroom I have never...
  18. Roflicer

    Video walkthrough of a beginners entire setup

    haha yeah its just the way the camera catchs the blades, but to the human eye its just a blur lol
  19. Roflicer

    I seem unable to clone

    Lmao that guy is my hero. "Make sure you mark them or youll fuck it up like I did haha" and 'rock and rooollll!" lolololol