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  1. jixan

    10 gallon smart pots and soil mixture question

    Hmm, decisions decisions. I have a bag of vermiculite at the house already so I might give Kellogg Patio Plus a try and throw in a good dosing of vermiculite. Seems like a good price point for all the ingredients. Thanks for all the responses. If anyone else has any insight I would love to hear...
  2. jixan

    10 gallon smart pots and soil mixture question

    As it being, I am very white and square... Is fire good...
  3. jixan

    10 gallon smart pots and soil mixture question

    Good morning all, I just ordered a couple 10 gallon smart pots for an outdoor grow and would love to hear from some folks about what soil mixture they have used in the past successfully with an outdoor organic grow. Thanks, can't wait to hear everyone's input. jixan
  4. jixan

    Square Foot Garden Grow Journal

    Hello All, Wanted to post a quick update of my little guys. (and hopefully two gals) This is day 12 since they popped. I ended up having 7 of the 10 pop after all 10 germinated. The last one popped out of nowhere being much later then the others. I have a feeling I probably will pull it before...
  5. jixan

    Square Foot Garden Grow Journal

    Hello all, I though that I would go ahead and make a grow Journal for my Square Foot Garden (SFG) grow. If I am growing like this, than I am sure that someone else is doing it or has done it in the past. I am fairly new to gardening in general so I needed some easy straight forward guidance. I...
  6. jixan

    First Grow, Blackstar 500, 32x32x60 Grow Space

    Makes sense with the area you have I think two will really thrive! Love this thread, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!
  7. jixan

    First Grow, Blackstar 500, 32x32x60 Grow Space

    How many plants are you considering next grow, three instead of four?
  8. jixan

    How is your input/output air setup with closet LED's?

    It does, thank you for posting the illustration Moebius. I would also love to see some real life setups as well if anyone wouldn't mind. I suppose that I need to make the decision to grow in a tent or just the closet itself. I have been aiming to grow just in the closet because it would save me...
  9. jixan

    How is your input/output air setup with closet LED's?

    I have seen and read plenty about everyone's lighting setup, but don't ever seem to see how anyone's input/output of their air ventilation is setup for a closet grow. Would anyone mind sharing their take on air circulation for a closet grow? I am a new grower just about ready to pull the...
  10. jixan

    Bathroom Vent and Exhaust Fan for Closet Grow?

    Aren't we a pair, I don't know how either of us communicate to anyone but ourselves. :clap:
  11. jixan

    Bathroom Vent and Exhaust Fan for Closet Grow?

    Haha, very true. I was also being a little sarcastic/self deprecating. Quite frankly it didn't come across. My bad. (Not sarcastic I promise!) ;) Anywho, here is a CFM calculator. Is is simple straight forwards, and perfect for CFM exchange calculations...
  12. jixan

    Bathroom Vent and Exhaust Fan for Closet Grow?

    The closet that I would be in is only about 100 cubic feet, if I remember right that should be sufficient if you have the right bathroom fan. Considering how large your closet is Gnomercy, I unfortunately think that your fan wouldn't displace enough for a typical closet. I am but a simple noob...
  13. jixan

    Bathroom Vent and Exhaust Fan for Closet Grow?

    Has anyone installed a Bathroom Vent Exhaust fan in a closet for a grow room exhaust? I have looked up the instillation and it seems rather easy, just curious if anyone has done this before. I would only be growing 3-4 plants and the exhaust would go straight outdoors through the attic and then...
  14. jixan

    Cheap nutes for outdoors

    Which nuts yielded the best results, the MG Organics?
  15. jixan

    Square Foot Gardening Soil Mix Question

    Hello Vindicated! Thanks for sharing your past success with Mel's Mix, it's reassuring to her how well it works, the mix sure does feel great in your hands. My girlfriend and I just installed our first SFG Sunday with the mixture I listed above, 1/3 Compost (Cotton Burr, Cow Manure, Mushroom...
  16. jixan

    Square Foot Gardening Soil Mix Question

    Alright, thank you very much for your insight. Are there any suggestions about nutrients during flowering? The cotton burr blend is essentially the left over reminisce of the cotton plant post harvest. It contains the husk, some stem and shaft. Here is a more detailed description than I can...
  17. jixan

    Square Foot Gardening Soil Mix Question

    I have a growing medium question. Would the square foot gardening soil mixture work well to grow MJ? The soils consist of three parts. One part peer moss. One part vermiculite. One part compost. - The compost cosist of Cotton Burr Blend, mushroom compost, and cow manure. Would this offer...
  18. jixan

    Has Any One Tried Making The Ultimate DIY Vaporizer?

    Here is the link? What do you think? Also this one, I am inclided to make use of both the resources.
  19. jixan

    Just Curious. Why is There No Led Growing Section?

    I have heard good things about the Blackstar 240 Watt. For the price it is a great panel to start with. BLACKSTAR 240 LINK I think that this is the panel I will be using for my first grow. Really exited to see what results I can yield from 2-3 plants with this one panel. I have also seen many...
  20. jixan

    Just Curious. Why is There No Led Growing Section?

    I am curious to know why there is no LED grow sections like there is a CFL growing section. I think that all the journels that have been posted should justify it by know. What does everyone think? :confused: