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  1. jixan

    Additional Nutrient Question for Mel's Mix Soil - Indoor Under CFL Lighting

    Hello all, I have been looking into nutes and think I might try Mag-Pro and Foliage Pro during flowering. Foliage-Pro Mag-Pro What do...
  2. jixan

    Additional Nutrient Question for Mel's Mix Soil - Indoor Under CFL Lighting

    Hello All, I have a quick question. I am using a soil mix called Mel's Mix (components listed below), and am curious what, if any additional nutrients should be add to the soil for the flowering stage? This is my first grow and can't for the life of me find any reference material regarding...
  3. jixan

    Additional Nutrient Question for Mel's Mix Soil - Indoor Under CFL Lighting

    Should I request this thread be moved to am more suitable location? Thank you!
  4. jixan

    Additional Nutrient Question for Mel's Mix Soil - Indoor Under CFL Lighting

    Hello All, I have a quick question. I am using a soil mix called Mel's Mix (components listed below), and am curious what, if any additional nutrients should be add to the soil for the flowering stage? This is my first grow and can't for the life of me find any reference material regarding...
  5. jixan

    do spore syringes come in a stealthy manner like seeds do?

    Where is the most popular site to order spores from? Thanks!
  6. jixan

    Best Place to Get Untreated Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds

    Thank you for the advice ShadowBear12, this will be my first LSA experience. My first psychedelic experience outside of pot as well, so I don't want to overdue it. Starting things off with a bad trip doesn't sound pleasant. What would you consider a good first dosage strength? I will be...
  7. jixan

    Best Place to Get Untreated Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds

    After doing some more reading I have to agree with you about injesting HBWR seeds instead, and passing on my personal MG seeds. Much less room for error when going with known HBWR source in regards to preparation. Thank you for all the feedback.
  8. jixan

    Best Place to Get Untreated Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds

    Thanks for the comments all, I actually have 7.2 grams of Morning Glory seeds that I have grown and harvested. They came from a purple variety of a Morning Glory plant I have grow in the garden. I just haven't read definitively anywhere that the purple variety carries the same LSA properties...
  9. jixan

    Best Place to Get Untreated Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds

    Hello all! Does anyone know where to get the best Untreated Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds for ingestion? Thanks!
  10. jixan

    Are these psilocybin mushrooms?

    I love it! That may just be my new motto for life! Thank you!
  11. jixan

    Are these psilocybin mushrooms?

    Thanks do the info ctwalrus really appreciate the effort!
  12. jixan

    Are these psilocybin mushrooms?

    How do you print them? I'm not familiar wih that term. Bruising I'm assume is pinching the stem to the point of damage, correct?
  13. jixan

    Are these psilocybin mushrooms?

    Thanks for the help fellas, I didn't plan on eating them. (I have to admit that I wish I could have) I found them under my tomato trellis in the vegetable garden in the back yard. A man can dream. :)
  14. jixan

    Are these psilocybin mushrooms?

    Found these out side in the garden, are they psilocybin mushrooms? I wouldn't think they would be but worth asking.
  15. jixan

    HTG Supply Grow Tent or Amazon Grow Tent?

    Well, I think I am going with the HTG tent. Seems like a good enough deal and I trust HTG. So many others have that I feel its worth the expense. Thanks again, jixan
  16. jixan

    HTG Supply Grow Tent or Amazon Grow Tent?

    Haha, I love the jargin. My point exactly, I have always heard good things about HTG just wanting to check and make sure that carried through with the tents as well. Thanks!
  17. jixan

    HTG Supply Grow Tent or Amazon Grow Tent?

    Hello all, I am looking to by a grow tent in the very near future. I'm pretty sure the tent I will be buying is the 22 x 36 x 63 offered by HTG Supply. - $162 I just wanted to check with the good folks at RIU...
  18. jixan

    Can you daisy chain brooder lights together?

    Those look like some happy Tetras, I bet they feel the DIY love. I am sure that you already know this but just for saftey sake be really careful about getting water on those bulbs. I have heard horror stories about them exploding when people have accidentally spayed them with water.