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  1. Danny88

    Changing distance to plants vs dimming

    Shouldn't you also take into account the light spread if you have it really close and dim it you might not get enough light to the outer plants
  2. Danny88

    Growing from regular seeds

    No was going to start at 20/4 then 18/6 I don't think I will have room to do it that way will have to see if I can have 2 small veg rooms
  3. Danny88

    Growing from regular seeds

    So can a plant be mature enough to take cuttings without showing sex coz I guess that will determine the path you take
  4. Danny88

    Growing from regular seeds

    Also I'm going to have to pot them all up if I go with method 3 coz once there in flower you can't do it right that's just wasting more space and resorces where with method 2 soon as I find the males I can throw them out and pot up the females veg a bit longer then flower
  5. Danny88

    Growing from regular seeds

    Yes I see what you mean with method 3 I have never done it always had fem seeds but a few people have said to do it this way maybe I'm just best waiting to see how long it takes for pre-flowers if they take to long then use method 2 could I take clones before they have matured if the clones are...
  6. Danny88

    Growing from regular seeds

    Well after what people have said I now believe method 3 is the best but method 2 will probably suit me better might see If I can get another light and maybe use 2 cupboards I'm growing it at a friends house so will have to see if we can use any more space thanks everyone for your input
  7. Danny88

    Growing from regular seeds

    Well I wil be buying an aero cloner so guess I could use that will a t5 light be enough to flower the clones
  8. Danny88

    Growing from regular seeds

    Maybe method 2 will be better for me then I have a 1.2m tent for flower and a cupboard I can use for vegging it is quite smaller though not exactly sure on the size guess I would have to keep trimming them back with that amount of veg time. Also was that a South Park referance then lol
  9. Danny88

    Growing from regular seeds

    So I've got 10 granddaddy purple seeds hoping to get them going soon would like to know what people think will be the best way to sex them Method 1 - Just wait for pre-flowers Method 2 - Take cuttings and flower them then throw away when found out sex and clone again to preserve genetics...
  10. Danny88

    Original Granddaddy purple

    How many seeds did you pop I've got 10 so hope I have a few females
  11. Danny88

    Finding that pheno in small space

    Well I'm gong to buy an aero cloner so if I flower the clones I will use that if you are keeping the clones and flowering the seeded plants wouldn't you have to wait for the plants to mature before taking clones where as if you flower the clone it doesn't matter if the plant is mature enough yet...
  12. Danny88

    [Seeds Arrived] Coco Grow soon to commence

    Sorry don't get what you mean
  13. Danny88

    [Seeds Arrived] Coco Grow soon to commence

    Hope it goes well is that super hazy the same as super haze I've just ordered from attitude and got quite a few freebies
  14. Danny88

    Finding that pheno in small space

    So instead of flowering the clone and throwing it when you find the sex you will keep them and flower the seeds to find the males have you heard of flowering the clone before it has roots in a cup of water it's supposed to only take a week to show
  15. Danny88

    Finding that pheno in small space

    Nah mate from uk I'm definitely starting from seed already bought them got 10 regular original granddaddy purple and 5 Dutch passion seeds blueberry think I might just start in coco was getting alge on the rock wool last time when I was using it to clone what I have done before is used plastic...
  16. Danny88

    male, female, or too soon?

    I think it looks a bit like a female I have been reading up on the subject recently and I read that crossed stipules can indicate a female but a female can also have normal ones and a male only has normal ones can't remember where I read it but I guess it's worth noting to use for future...
  17. Danny88

    Finding that pheno in small space

    No I know what you are saying it's just I will have to wait to take cones then wait for them to root then flower them for a few weeks by that time wouldn't the pre-flowers of shown by then on the vegging plants that's what I thought of at first but not sure which would show first
  18. Danny88

    Finding that pheno in small space

    Wouldn't cloning them take just as long wouldn't it be better to just wait for pre-flowers and I know they do a 7.5 litre guess that's close enough Also I'm using coco and clay pebbles
  19. Danny88

    Finding that pheno in small space

    What and just try to keep them separate so I can still find the best one whould that be about 10 litre then they don't sell them in gallons where I live
  20. Danny88

    Finding that pheno in small space

    I'm not going to do the scrog now I'm starting from seed will probably do that next run when I find the best plant out of the lot I think I will have to try and keep them as small as. Can until I find out all the sexes what pot size would you recommend to put them in until I have sexed them I...