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  1. Danny88

    Finding that pheno in small space

    At that point I wasn't sure what seeds I was getting but going to pop some original granddaddy purple their regular seeds from attitude so I guess it's irrelevant now just hope I get plenty of females I've got ten seeds
  2. Danny88

    Original Granddaddy purple

    Thanks what pot size would you suggest to put them in until I have sexed them I'm using coco and clay pebbles obviously I don't want them to get root bound but don't want to be wasting coco on males so basically what pot would last long enough until pre-flowers so I can get rid of the males and...
  3. Danny88

    Original Granddaddy purple

    How much did they stretch in flower I want to keep mine small guess will have to fim and lst them but I can't really plan it out properly coz not sure how many I will have in the tent coz I'm starting from regular seeds
  4. Danny88

    Original Granddaddy purple

    At what age did they show pre-flowers and have you trained them in anyway
  5. Danny88

    Original Granddaddy purple

    Forgot to mention I was going o just let them grow maybe lst them a bit I heard you are best not stressing regular seeded plants because it can produce more males therefore was gong to trim them down if needed be after I have sexed them
  6. Danny88

    Original Granddaddy purple

    Just ordered 10 regular original granddaddy purple and 5 feminised Dutch passion seeds blueberry from attitude anyone grown these out before also anyone know what the average height is when the pre flowers show because I want to get as many of the granddaddy purple in my 1.2m tent as possible...
  7. Danny88

    Finding that pheno in small space

    so I have a 1.2mx1.2mx2m tent I was going to do 4 cuttings under a 600w hps in a scrog but looks like I'm getting seeds now so not sure what would be the best method I thought I would have to do at least 9 to find anything good and obviously wouldn't be able to scrog it and keep them separate...
  8. Danny88

    Aero cloner to pots

    Ok well think I might go from aero to 2l then to 15l I will be vegging in a smaller space so 15l pots probably won't fit will have to see what the 7.5l are like instead of 2 will just have to watch out how much I water them and probably let them veg a bit longer when I move them into the tent...
  9. Danny88

    Aero cloner to pots

    Don't you get a better root mass if you pot up and also you have to be careful how much you water if you go straight to a big pot
  10. Danny88

    Aero cloner to pots

    So what you think is best then I want to finish in 15l pot
  11. Danny88

    Aero cloner to pots

    Well I was going to just put the net pot straight into the 2l pot I thought it would be easier to put in the netpot with clay pellets than straight into coco
  12. Danny88

    Aero cloner to pots

    So it's been a long time since I have grown anything going to be starting again soon I have never used aero cloners I will be growing in a 1.2mx1.2m tent under 600w hps growing medium will be coco and clay pellets I was thinking to go from cloner to netpot with the pellets then soon as roots...
  13. Danny88

    Canopy penetration

    I thought 8" would be to close to the plant with just a bare bulb not air cooled and that chart does that not show just for distance away what if the canopy is quite dense will it not lose out having to go through all of the leaves
  14. Danny88

    Canopy penetration

    Does anyone know how far into the canopy a 600w hps will penetrate if it is 18" above I have looked at some charts but can't get my head around it
  15. Danny88

    anyone on demonoid

    Why is demonoid not so good anymore
  16. Danny88

    anyone on demonoid

    Could really do with a invitation code if someone could send me one please used to be on it years ago but forgot my username and pass
  17. Danny88

    The old nail through the stem

    I didn't believe it for a second not sure why they would even post that in there article I know they don't exactly say it is related but I still don't think they should be spreading this info along with scientific data they have on hormones
  18. Danny88

    The old nail through the stem

    So I've just been reading soft secrets look at number 4 do you think there's any truth to this I mean only the part about the nail how would you know if it's going ripe because of the nail or age I'm sure they have not tested this and just putting the two together anyone got any thoughts on this
  19. Danny88

    Your/Best auto you have grrown

    Av only ever grown 1 auto and that was red poison here's a link It's some of the best bud av smoked not your average taste wish I could explain it