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  1. OnSolomonsGrave

    in need of some weed!!!

    The reason this isn't allowed isn't because we just don't want you to, it's the fucking reason overgrown got shut down. Have some respect and stop posting trash like this please.
  2. OnSolomonsGrave

    WidowCindy Multiple 400W Soil

    Well this week should be clone week, I should get most of my clones off the floss this week and finish up the ones i need off the WC. Updates on Friday. I want a link to your journal when you get one up dank.
  3. OnSolomonsGrave

    I'm voting for McCain....

    But they are never wrong. Don't worry Mccain is here!
  4. OnSolomonsGrave

    Does the weed natually growing in the wild have any strength?

    Don't go back, or you might get shot.
  5. OnSolomonsGrave

    Show me your stems :) no homo

    2 wk old stem, Is it almost clear and transparent when it comes off and very light? If so I wouldn't worry about it.
  6. OnSolomonsGrave

    2012 the end or not???

    a remake, they just redid it this year.
  7. OnSolomonsGrave

    World War III

    CC, I am against anyone who impedes my freedom. Beware. :fire:
  8. OnSolomonsGrave

    how quickly does chlorine evaporates from tap water?

    Most large municipalities no longer use chlorine but a chemical called chloramine, which doesn't break down when exposed to open air, So check your local municipality and see what type of chemicals they use.
  9. OnSolomonsGrave

    I Supect The Seeds I Just Got Are Bad ...

    uh... when I pay 10 bucks per seed I expect it to be a quality seed, at least properly developed and not a premi.
  10. OnSolomonsGrave

    World War III

    I think bush was the one who discredited himself by lying to the American people to achieve his goal, w/e that was.
  11. OnSolomonsGrave

    $ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

    just made some banana bread edibles, mmmmm I can't move....
  12. OnSolomonsGrave

    Georgia attacks S. Ossetia, Russia prevents genocide

    I believe you are misguided in thinking taxation is a moral issue, but I can agree with you on the socialized medicine, I would rather just have a better health care system in general for everyone, not necessarily ran by the government but I would say our medical and pharmaceutical are in need...
  13. OnSolomonsGrave

    I'm voting for McCain....

    Viredd, do you really think that the lower class in this nation isn't enslaved to make the top 2% richer? Go to college spend 80k over 4 years and then work for me for 40k a year for the rest of your life, muwahahahaha. Is this really what life is about? REALLY?
  14. OnSolomonsGrave

    Georgia attacks S. Ossetia, Russia prevents genocide

    who is making you do immoral things viredd?
  15. OnSolomonsGrave

    World War III

    When all you watch is Msnbc thats what happens medicine.
  16. OnSolomonsGrave

    Georgia attacks S. Ossetia, Russia prevents genocide

    Johnny does the fact that the only real reason people bring up abortion is because it gets them either the lib vote or the evangelical vote...because we both know it's not going to change so it matters dick really what their opinion on it is.
  17. OnSolomonsGrave

    2012 the end or not???

    If anyone controls the world it's the rothschild family.
  18. OnSolomonsGrave

    Georgia attacks S. Ossetia, Russia prevents genocide

    It's not punting when you bring up the REAL issue, which is stopping unplanned pregnancy's.
  19. OnSolomonsGrave

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    1st page ^
  20. OnSolomonsGrave

    Georgia attacks S. Ossetia, Russia prevents genocide

    Maybe the correct stance is to not push your views on others, esp when it comes to moral issues. And sorry he has a stance, just because you disagree it doesn't make it dithering.