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  1. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    NICE!! How many weeks of the flower have you been using only LED?
  2. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Insane and frustrating since this was supposed to be an all Kessil test run and I've had to use so many other backup lights (CFLS and smaller LED units). I was looking to see how many Kessils I need to expand an 8' x 8' area to a 16' x 16' area, which in regard to the Kessil I've abandoned...
  3. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Another round of defective lights from Kessil. 1 purple emitting only red 2 magentas are only emitting Red, the other magenta is magenta so thats 2 in 5 that actually worked. My replacement lights will be in the shop in a few days!! Who all has had problems with their Kessils? I'm more concerned...
  4. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm thinking of ways to retrofit the top of two 4' x4' or 5' x 5' tents to automatically move my light configuration every 12 with a timed light mover. The tricky part is how I would separate the two chambers well enough that the lights from one chamber doesn't leak into the other but allow an...
  5. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    The best part of LED is that they are so much easier to move between two flower rooms on opposite 12/12 light cycles. When one is lit up the other is dark, then instead of turning you LED off for 12 hours simply move them to the other chamber. Think about it!! You flower for 12 on in one room...
  6. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Kessil has COMPLETELY resolved my complaints so soon as I get this replacement light I'll quickly be back on track and just trying to figure out the most discreet way of posting some photos. I'm thinking about a new cheap camera and upload them from a internet cafe or on a campus computer if...
  7. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    My Kessil lights seems to be keeping the temps higher than a panel alone at about the 80-86 degree range but on the coldest nights I have to pop on some 68w CFLs and i'm in the perfect range.
  8. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    \ No offense taken. I followed this thread for some time before I joined and I joined because I was super excited about a Kessil test grow and then this happened. If I remember right part of my excitement came from seeing what you and others had said about Kessil but I only blame myself and...
  9. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Kessil NEEDS to be thrown into that list. They have a massive gap in warranty 1 year and pay off savings 2+ years. I'm finding my self questioning if this thread can do anything to sort out all this info and misconceptions no matter how hard we try. I'm tired of defending LED till i'm blue in...
  10. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Man I have followed this thread for awhile now and I appreciate all of your comments. I know you and the other mainstays on here are just trying to clarify info on all these lights. My experiences with Kessil week one malfunctioning with only a one year warranty is especially concerning since...
  11. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    If you think Kessil lights malfunctioning is maybe just a lucky thing because of how much I may get from the company for their error consider this, first go to their website, use their energy calculation tool on how long it takes to pay off your Kessil light, mine came out to 2+ years. The...
  12. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Yep! I am in a bit of a jam with my Kessil test grow, already experiencing a problem week one my purple full cycle light is only emitting RED and I am still testing the veg. I got caught up by the hype and glossy website dumped $1200 and just want my money back now. I really wish you would have...
  13. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    ALL Kessil grow first week! All I can say is URGH!! They would be working amazingly if they were ALL working. Headaches, delays, and frustration.
  14. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I really wish I felt like I lucked out but I don't. No I don't have the other lights yet the guys at the hydroshop said they'd be in by monday-wendsday. The luxury of time is not on our side. They can begin to malfunction at any time and unless you check your lights frequently which is literally...
  15. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Avoid Kessil!! I was all hyped about them and pumped them up and dumped $1200 and one is already malfunctioning on week 1.
  16. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Ok so I have been testing an all Kessil test grow and on week one, one of my 3 purple full cycles start malfunctioning and starts purple then turns all red. So I'm vegging on an 18/ 6 and who knows how many cycles my Kessil is emitting only red light. URGH!! So I attempt to contact the company...
  17. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    If my Kessil wasn't malfunctioning on week one, I'd say go Kessil but at this point I really am beginning to wish I went Blackstar.
  18. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    MAN THESE LIGHTS AND SPECS LOOK AMAZING :) Looks almost industrial!! Any idea on $?
  19. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Man I hope so because my Kessils are already sketchy at best and I am really wishing I would have bought 4 blackstar panels instead. I may be returning all of them and buying Blackstar. URGH!! I bought 3 purple full cycles and just ordered 2 magentas to be delivered monday and already 1 in 3...
  20. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I would cut them some slack but I've had better customer service from other more reliable companies and they have been nothing but a huge headache. I was REALLY hoping they would get one out promptly on Saturday when I first contacted them but they wont do anything about it until Monday and so I...