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  1. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Yeah I've had luck with LED's. :) Started seeing results in veg added units to increase coverage on my HPS and now want to go ALL LED. I've been following your grow with those magnums. Mad props on those lovely, lovely ladies. I have a mix of other LED units and additional resources, but I'm...
  2. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    company Kessil Multiple defective units. Only 2 out of 5 worked correctly out of the box. Another user on here reported a similar experience. I received 1 defect on my first order of 3. Before I realized I had a defect I ordered 2 more. My working replacement unit arrived with my second order...
  3. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    That's what I was thinking too, but I think my replacements are on the way, hopefully with a little something extra for my troubles. Doubt it though and I told them no I don't want t-shirts for my trouble. So far this is the only thread and forum I'm using to deal with this because I like this...
  4. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Trust me I wont stop hounding them until i get my replacements, but I'm hoping that chazbolin also tries contacting them over the four defects he received. Sounds like he has something in mind that may void his warranty, which if I was going to do anything to void the warranty, it'd be a tear...
  5. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I spoke to Kessil again today and they would like to get a control on these defective units. If you haven't done anything to void your warranty you can contact David Lowry at [email protected] or his number is (510) 620-5105. He seems intent on doing what he can to make this right. I cant help...
  6. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I've had to use CFLs for heat because they run pretty cool. I paired it with these cheap lamps on amazon but they fit any standard socket. Soon my brother soon will be testing some of the PAR 38 red 660nm bulbs paired with the 630nm on...
  7. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    All I know is that I would not buy Kessil again! I purchased full cycle lights and have had nothing but trouble. It might be different with their solid colors since my problem stemmed from the blues being absent from the spectrum so they were not coming out purple or magenta but solid red. If...
  8. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    @ IDrinkCoffee I am an unsatisfied Kessil owner due to multiple defective units and poor costumer service. When the lights work they are awesome but out of 5 I only received 40% working units which is pretty scary since they only have a year warranty. In the future I will be going with...
  9. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    How many plants?? Just one? It seems a bit overkill for one plant. Hudsonvalley82 reports1 blackstar per 2 plants and that's about the ratio I've experienced with other panels (not blackstar). I'd say just be sure if you angle it to keep the panels a safe distance from your canopy. If angled the...
  10. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Yeah I prefer larger, fewer plants and have no need to rush veg or any stage of my expansion. I'm just wondering, if I went with all 240's how far apart would I want to place them to cover 24-30 flowering ladies?? That's about 12-15 240's, In your opinion could I get by with 9 laid out in a 3 x...
  11. 660nm420

    LED Grow Lights vs. HID

    Some people are stuck in their ways so trust those who have made the switch. You have to remember some HID users never pay a penny for their wattage through bypassing the meter so why would they want to reinvest in some new, better tech??
  12. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    All I know is I tried to be chill about the first messed up light even though it took so long (grow time) to get a replacement out and now the others are going to take even longer. Unless they send a free light with my replacements I will never buy Kessil again. HAHA, they inquired about my...
  13. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Did you try having them replaced?? My replacements will be in by Tuesday. *fingers crossed* but I am so over Kessil.
  14. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Yeah I will only do it for 1 or 2 cycles by hand to reimburse myself on the cost of the lights, at which point I'll have the resources to build a setup that moves them in between automatically.
  15. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    HAHA, No wonder Gotham is sold out of the 240s!! I tried to order some the other day to no avail.
  16. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Man I need to see what's possible with that many Blackstars. I still have about 3 grand to dump into my expansion project and by my calculations that's roughly 10 blackstars. Combined with my existing hodgepodge of LED units (Kessils, Hydrogrow panels, 90w ufos and a 300w growl +numerous...
  17. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Skip Kessil, I have had nothing but problems! Out of the 5 I purchased only 2 were functional out of the box on arrival. I ordered them weeks ago and only have1 replacement so far with the other 2 due Tuesday.
  18. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm opening mine but because my brother insists these panels are a breeze to build. and
  19. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    It's the opposite man. HID on a light mover has been great supplemental lighting for my LED, but soon even that has to go.
  20. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    And in the interest of full disclosure, do you have any affiliations with the company?? Not that I'm accusing you of it but I have to know if this is an independent recommendation. What is the warranty on these units?? Have you used them to flower yet??