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  1. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Ad hominem attacks weaken your argument. Use fact and evidence to prove your point. A light mover and a 400w HPS will increase coverage but it will never cover my needs or many other's needs on here. Talking about how you use LED with HPS is one thing but this thread is to compare LED units not...
  2. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    So then you can afford to go out and purchase ANY LED unit that I pick for you to do a controlled scientific grow with? If not suck it up and save some cash and comeback here talking smack when you can put your money where your mouth is. I pick the LEDs at lower than 300w and a list of the...
  3. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Then I get to pick the LED system and I want to see you do a documented comparison WITH documentation that there's a number of control factors being followed. I have already seen the difference so I don't need to prove anything to you. If you are so sure than take the challenge. I know what a...
  4. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    And I'm not in the business of selling LED and if you actually read some of this thread you would know the blackstar 240's don't use 240w. Try again! Look back on the thread and do the math again and the last time I worked with a 400w MH/HPS, it sucked!! You have to at least be rocking a 600w to...
  5. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    HAHA! cool man!! Big 400 w MH/HPS guy over here!! Good to know you have it ALL figured out. That's allot of LED units you've tested. In every industry it takes money to save money, but then again I don't know what state you live in but in my state there is ample supportive medical evidence that...
  6. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Don't give up. The point is that you need the power savings or you would never have looked into LED. If I were you I would return the UFO, pick up 2-3 cheaper blue PAR 38 veg grow lights from this website to start with while you wait for the Blackstar 240 or any other quality panel that you will...
  7. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Nice looking grow!! LED works and I've silenced skeptics in real life. Cant wait to begin flowering with my new lights. I have my eye on one of those blackstars too, but have to see what the ISIS can do. I went to order the 240 and it was sold out so I had to go with the ISIS, but my homie just...
  8. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    First off no matter how tall and bushy my lovely ladies get the same HPS user keeps telling me, "my HPS could do that in a week". Even though they are doubling in size every week. I'm sorry but BS. I've worked hands on with the dude's grow (hasn't grown any indoor for 3+ years) and he is lying...
  9. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm doing some personal comparative grows to see what it would take to do a larger LED perpetual harvest and my friend who picked up the Blackstar has some skills so I'll have plenty of chances to see with my own eyes what the Blackstar can do. I wouldn't go out and pick up 10+ units without...
  10. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Yeah I've been happy with the Penetrator and the Blackstar 240 is out of stock so I ordered the ISIS-fx1. I will keeping up on my friends progress under the Blackstar because I plan on putting some serious $ into LED this year and have to compare a number of different units. I know my friend's...
  11. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I already returned the defects. I'll email Kessil and see if they can get it to me I have an email in my outbox with the serial number, but I didn't get the lot number. I'll have to check the UL when my lights go on. I plan on picking up a couple of those ISIS FX1's. They look to be the best...
  12. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Yep, blackstar 240 on back order, so for now I'll be going with the ISIS-fx1.
  13. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I got replacements for the defects. Last week I told a friend to check out the Blackstar 240 he ordered it. I got a look at it's brightness yesterday and ordered one. I will be picking up more. I still like some things about them, but more so in combination with other quality panels.
  14. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Take a look at the ISIS from LED grow lights direct. They also make the 357 magnum. To get close to the equivalent in HPS will require trial. Allot of it depends on square footage. I would think that 3-4 blackstars will get you close or from what I hear about them 2 or 3 ISIS-1/ ISIS-fx 170. It...
  15. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I have the 126w penetrator and last night a friend brought his Blackstar 240 panel that actually draws 140w so the 126w penetrator and 140w Blackstar are close in watts and I have to say the Blackstar is brighter. The blackstar is $175 less than the penetrator, but the penetrator has a 3 year...
  16. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    A friend brought over his Blackstar 240 and immediately after I turned it on to compare with my Kessils I got on line and ordered 1 and will for sure be picking up another. First the ISIS-1 or fx1.
  17. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    yeah they all worked but nothing for my troubles, so I ordered a Blackstar 240 instead of another Kessil. A person I suggested Blackstar brought theirs over and is WAY brighter. 4 blackstars are the price of 5 kessils and I would say more worth the $1200. My next purchase will be either the ISIS...
  18. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    A friend came over to pick up some babies and brought his new Blackstar panel and all I can say is if you have the extra $60 buy blackstar at $300 rather than Kessil for $240. Blackstar is as bright if not brighter ne Blackstar panel will for sure cover more area than any Kessil.
  19. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    A person unaffiliated with Kessil explained it to me like this, "warranties are there to catch these things as factory defects become apparent early on. What it comes down to is a bad batch and when defective units occur it doesn't point to any long term malfunctioning problems with the unit."...
  20. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    My replacements are here!!! Still don't know if I will buy more KEssil. Still gotta see what five can do with no other LED units. Now I just have to wait until my lights come on.