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  1. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    A 60w read 58. A 54w read 52? I don't call that accurate. Are you plug and testing or testing over the course of a couple hours?? Seriously though how is a 60w reading 58 accurate?? I know it's a few points but when you are talking about different wattage testers and all these comparisons based...
  2. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Vegging panels will never flower but I totally agree Kush grove flowering models will FOR SURE veg. Let's be clear on this. LED users should really understand what they are shooting for here. The point is to target specific nanometers. A strictly veg model will likely have no or very little...
  3. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Here's a discussion on a non grow forum about accuracy of a kill-a-watt tester. Haha, I'm sure if they are stuck on measuring watts they are more than likely testing a grow light though If you have one of these I'm sure your measurements are...
  4. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Are people on here using kilowatt testers to test watts?? I have spoken to people who know electronics but do not know LED grow lights regarding this and have been told there is very little accuracy when using kilowatt testers. I spoke to them about LED lights as a whole and not specifically...
  5. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    It's not really a grow journal but here's a youtube link to a sic Stealth Grow setup.
  6. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    It'll pick up again soon. There was allot of major purchases made by users in February that are early to mid veg. I'm waiting on a back ordered ISIS that's supposed to arrive this week. :?: Once it doe's I'll be flowering in a side by side shootout between ISIS-fx1 and 2 magenta KESSILs...
  7. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I own five Kessils and would MUCH rather have 4 blackstars hands down. I got drawn in by the hype and regret my purchase since Kessil has had so many defects. There's successful blackstar grows on here. Where's the Kessil grows?? There is none because you would have to have at least 5 at close...
  8. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Watt = Amp x Volt > Amp = Watt/ Volt. My buddy who knows about electronics will be able to tell me right away what's going on. So I think there's ways to push it to the 15w. Based on the results you've had would the actual 15w be getting you closer to the t5s? The website says operating voltage...
  9. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    How close do you have them? With that design they have allot of surface area and run super cool so you can get them pretty close. I recommended 4 for an 18" x 48" area at under 72w (2 kessils) or a 5th for a total 75w instead of 2 kessils, but for whatever reason yours are 8w and mine are15w I...
  10. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    My bad if I said 2 would = 3 t5's. If I did I don't know what I was thinking. Even at the full 15w 2 would be unrealistic.
  11. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Even if they were running at the 15w that mine are running at 2 of them at 15w totaling 30w will never = the light penetration of (3) 28w t5s totaling 84w. Is that the correct number since you have 6 26w over to 2 s/b veg. systems. 16 w total vs 84w, I'm not at all surprised that you are...
  12. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm using mine for clones now but I checked them and they are running at the 15w as advertised. I've used mine while waiting for my replacement Kessils in combination with other LED units. The areas that I had them in were doing just as well as the areas covered with a panel. I had mine at 4-5"...
  13. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Good luck, I've liked what mine has done. It was my first LED purchase and the panel that made me an LED believer. You'll do well with it for a first grow as long as you don't try to push the coverage. If all you are using is the penetrator, for sure stick to the lower side of the height...
  14. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Check it out!! Go to Kessil's glossy, glossy website. Go to the energy savings calculator and see how long Kessil says it will take to cover the cost of their units in energy savings. Their calculations are based on how many units you buy, your cost of kilowatt hours and savings in bulb...
  15. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I've been testing different units to see how they perform against each other. This is my second round of comparisons. I've been using HSS and the penetrator for some time with success. I have a perpetual harvest set up. I originally was looking to do an all KEssil test run from clone to flower...
  16. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Nice!! Cant wait to order my blackstar and see what it does compared to the other LEDs I have ( ISIS, Kessil, Hydrogrow penetrator, HSS)
  17. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    It was put something like this, they wouldn't recommend continuing use of a defective lights. Without looking at the unit they cant say what risks it could pose. So no they didn't actually say the words fire hazard, but that's the only "risks" I could think of that a defective light would pose...
  18. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    KESSIL'S DEFECTIVE UNITS COULD POSE A FIRE HAZARD!! This is what I was told by the company as to why I shouldn't use the light while waiting for my replacement. This is really scary!!! If it's like my case where the lights cut to red after a few minutes, you might not know that you have...
  19. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    Contact KEssil and let them know that you've had problems with their lights and demand replacements. Now that mine are in place they are working great. I hate the company now and would never buy more. I've bought other LED units since but I would demand new working lights. If not send them to me...
  20. 660nm420

    Led Users Unite!

    I wasn't the one who brought mommas shoe closet into this, and I don't care I'm outa here now that another AWESOME LED thread has been hijacked again by HPS users. I'm tired of the same old argument over and over again. gram per watt and the LED takes it everyday!! PEace thanks to all the LED...