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  1. thebigragu25

    POLL: IS there a BEST SEED BANK?

    Ive heard a ton about Nirvana... only good things so far. Anyone heard anything bad about them?
  2. thebigragu25

    POLL: IS there a BEST SEED BANK?

    Ive heard so much mixed information, Im wondering if we can get some opinions from the veterans on this subject. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. thebigragu25

    Stunt in growth!!

    Im not sure thats it; the plant is only like 8-9 inches tall... or do the roots grow that big even at that size?
  4. thebigragu25

    Stunt in growth!!

    My camera is charging, Ill post a pic as soon as its ready! But yes, its been stagnant in growth for the past 2 weeks or so.. also its in a 10 gallon rubber made tub with no holes in the bottom- could that be an issue? No indications yet thats its over watered (i.e. droopy leaves).
  5. thebigragu25

    Stunt in growth!!

    Ive got a plant in a massive tub of dirt that seems to have stopped growing! Ive got a 450 hps bulb on it and 2 24 inch flourescent bulbs. Its about 6 inches tall and almost a month old. Any ideas? BTW the soil Im using is cheap, and Im wondering if that may have something to do with it, and I...
  6. thebigragu25

    What is the best lighting cycle?

    any other suggestions, or is that final information accurate?
  7. thebigragu25

    What is the best lighting cycle?

    Right on, Ill give that a shot- the 24/0 then 18/6 & finally 12/12 Thanks!
  8. thebigragu25

    What is the best lighting cycle?

    Hey gang! 1st time grower, long time user :clap: What is the best lighting cycle? Im under the impression that I should give it 24 hr light until it gets big enough, then cut it to 12 hour cycles. Is that right? Some one let me know plz!! THanks
  9. thebigragu25

    Tin Foil or White Paper?

    Hey gang! Im new to this game & just got a 450 watt HPS. Ive got a few sprouts growing at the momen under some construction lights and flourescents. With this new HPS light, I want to make a cardboard wall around what Ive got. What is the best material to line the inside of the walls with...