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  1. Kevdank

    Oxycontin 60 did I get ripped off?

    this guy knows how to cut the bullshit although, if your gonna grow the pods, might as well slash them and make opium instead of the tea, just sayin cus either way if you get caught your fucked.
  2. Kevdank

    Oxycontin 60 did I get ripped off?

    a seasoned junkie would not OD off 50 mg of heroin even if it was 100% pure diacetylmorphine, that is on the lower side of what a standard junkie takes per dose. And the only place you can get 95% pure is from the suppliers themselves. Shoot up an 80 mg oxy and see if you can keep your eyes open...
  3. Kevdank

    Oxycontin 60 did I get ripped off?

    do you have any idea how high an 80 mg oxy will get you? If you dont have any opiate tolerance 40 mg would knock you on ur ass, probably less
  4. Kevdank

    Oxycontin 60 did I get ripped off?

    usually .50 cents per miligram is the highest. so 60 mg would be 30 bucks, but thats the high side, I have seen 80 mg for 20 bucks. and a few beers won't kill you when mixed with pills. It's when you eat a handful of pills and take double shots of vodka when it becomes a problem.
  5. Kevdank

    Is she ok?

    size looks normal but the soil might be too wet or not have enough oxygen
  6. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    havent thought too far into the future, just goin day by day, if anyone has suggestions I would appreciate it. also I watered this morning, soil was pretty dry a finger down. She is looking amazing. Pretty sure it is no longer shocked from the transplant because growth is back up and...
  7. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    hahaha its the camera, its like 10 years old and fucked up, resets the date every time it turns on so I just dont mess with it. I said that somewhere in one of my posts
  8. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    thanks, I think I'm doin alright so far, pretty much just winging it as I go. Update: the leaf branches are turning reddish purple, hope this is normal, everything else looks healthy. I'll try to get the redness in a pic next time I upload
  9. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    I have zero funds, all my supplies were already in my garage. If I had 25 bucks I would buy a 48 or 60 watt CFL and a socket splitter
  10. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    I forgot to mention that during the brightest part of the day I keep my plant outside to let it get the much stronger sunlight, I would say 3-4 hours per day, the rest is CFL.
  11. Kevdank

    One Seed, One Disire

    We have a medical card carrier in the house so we can have up to 6 plants think, I already uploaded them anyway, check them out.
  12. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    Got the pics up. Just tried to get various angles, one pic is my grow area, and one pic is the fertilizer I have *edit* the date is wrong, this camera is really old and shitty, I didn't bother setting the date. also I changed the light time to include 3 hours of darkness starting the...
  13. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    So I finally got a camera so I can record my baby's progress, I've been wanting to start a journal since the beginning but it would have been pointless without pictures. I'll start with my set up and materials Space is about 1.5 feet wide, 2 feet long, 2.5-3 feet tall. Space is in the...
  14. Kevdank

    First time CFL grow. How do they look???

    ahaha i know what you mean with the impatient thing, sometimes i find myself just staring at my sprout waiting for it to grow. I agree with combine the best info from bunch of different sources, thats what im doin. I am planning on starting my own journal if I can get my paws on a camera, just...
  15. Kevdank

    One Seed, One Disire

    I think that question was for me right? Well I wasn't gonna post a journal cus I wouldnt have pics but I might be able to borrow my brothers phone every now and then to take some pics ( he's got an 8 Mega pixel camera on his phone). So hopefully later today I will have my very own log started. I...
  16. Kevdank

    First time CFL grow. How do they look???

    just wanted to throw this out there, my sprout started smelling very early as well, had very faint scent at 1 week from breaking soil, and a more obvious scent at 2 weeks. Its almost 2 and half weeks old now and has 3 nodes. the leaves also have tiny white beads that look like really small...
  17. Kevdank

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    nice job, when are you planning on harvest?
  18. Kevdank

    One Seed, One Disire

    man was i bummed when i found out this grow hasnt finished yet, i randomnly came upon it searching the web and didnt notice the date, i was hopin to see finished product, especially because of the rough start. I will be following the thread now, I am trying my first grow as well. I would...