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  1. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    Thanks, and ya I thought about it but I read somewhere that Kush plants should be left with the main cola intact, because they naturally want to grow a thick main cola or somethin like that so I guess I'm gonna leave it alone for now. Plant Update: this night marks 1 week into flowering, 7th...
  2. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    Thanks, Im crossing my fingers for a female, and ya wait till its a little warmer, you can see how slow they grow when its cold, the outdoor plant in the picture is almost a month old and barely an inch tall. It was under 50 degrees at night when I planted the little bugger, didn't even think it...
  3. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    upper 70's during the day, maybe 80 at hottest time of day, and upper 60's at night
  4. Kevdank

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    Looking great, I hope my baby turns out that frosty, I just started flowering 6 days ago, still no sign of sex.
  5. Kevdank

    Inherited Plant that was just Harvested..What to Do?

    yea im with this guy, that is not a good option with cannabis. The plant naturally wants to die after flowering, it's only purpose in life is to create flowers and seeds, then the life cycle starts over again. It would be hard to make it continue growing and it won't grow as well as a new plant
  6. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    I updated pics but still haven't got any replies, it's getting a little lonely :(
  7. Kevdank

    Stem broke 7 days into grow. HELP!

    I guess thats kinda like topping, you might get 2 main colas
  8. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    FINALLY AN UPDATE!!!!!!!!11 Sorry it took so long to upload pics, but I finally did it. She has been flowering for 4 nights now, tonight will be the 5th night. Hopefully I get a sex soon. One pic is the white walls I surrounded the plant with. One pic is my outdoor side project. The indoor...
  9. Kevdank

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    the nugz that are growing out of the sides of the nodes. Pretty much the nugz that are not part of the main cola. That isnt the best explanation cus I'm not an expert either but it might help. Look at your pictures and you might see the nugget growing kinda sideways out of the plant near the...
  10. Kevdank

    Mac Tunz Hobby Experimental Grow Journal (minimal duckets spent)

    get your hands on a fluorescent, halogen is the worst type of light next to incandescent. Most homes have CFL's stored in the closet anyway, its the energy saver spiral bulbs. Uses much less energy and is much better quality light.
  11. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    near the top of the page there are a bunch of links on a blue bar, one of them says "thread tools" click on that and one of the options should be subscribe to thread
  12. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    Sorry for the lack of photos so far, it's been a combination of being busy and laziness. Just wanted to give a little update. I started flowering last night at 12/12. the 5 finger leaves are almost as big as the 3 finger leaves in the old pics. It's got 7 finger leaves about an inch long and...
  13. Kevdank

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    secondary growth is really showin now, lookin good.
  14. Kevdank

    Need Help With CFL Closet Grow!!

    you will be able to get some dank nugs with those lights but it may take a little longer than if you had HID's and the plant overall will be a little smaller. Keep the lights as close as possible. Aim for at least 3,000 lumens per plant. Currently I am growing with a single CFL with 1,600 lumens...
  15. Kevdank

    My Nigerian Sativa Grow! (First Grow)

    hope they get better soon, that yellow nug looks pretty scary
  16. Kevdank

    Oxycontin 60 did I get ripped off?

    haha of course im not saying its better, and ya, I was stating pharmecutical potencies on a milligram per milligram basis. Also I think the activity compared to morphine is pretty similar, morphine does not last "MUCH" longer like your saying. Anyway, I was just trying to prove a point to that...
  17. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    idk, im just experimenting, I've always liked doing things my own way ever since I was a wee boy
  18. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    It's just somethin I thought might help, because I was planning on flowering soon and I didn't want to shock the plant by going from 24 hours of light per day straight to 12 hours the next night. So I am gradually lowering the amount if light it gets until I get to 12/12. And no problem with the...
  19. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    Update: I upgraded my grow area slightly by adding white walls all around the plant to reflect light. Timer was 20/4 last night, tonight will be 19/5, tomorrow 18/6 and so on. Stem is getting very sturdy. Also I need to name my baby. My next post should have new pics and the baby's name.
  20. Kevdank

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    I'm guessing quarter ounce, but that is truly a guess because I have never harvested before.