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  1. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    fake smile all you want bro, I still see the steam pouring out your ears. all im sayin is calm down, your gonna burst a blood vessel
  2. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    why do you get so defensive? U mad bro?
  3. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    bro, calm down, its just a debate
  4. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    my bad, you still seemed pretty mad, bro
  5. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    wow, you sure have a way of twisting words in order to appear like your on top, lol grow some balls and argue like a man, dont just twist what I say to make it sound dumb. I know you know what I mean so stop acting retarded, and im pretty sure this conversation was over a while ago, but keep...
  6. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    so im guessing you conducted all your research first hand and didnt read anything that anybody else wrote? Your statement is utterly retarded, how did you get through school without researching for essays or reading textbooks other people wrote. just because someone else wrote it, doesnt mean...
  7. Kevdank

    is flushing a noob tactic?

    your very right, if you have a warehouse full of plants it might make it a little more difficult
  8. Kevdank

    is flushing a noob tactic?

    actually a long long long time ago people didnt chlorinate the water sooooooooooooooo......... i dont know where your going with that
  9. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    good comeback, cat got your tongue?
  10. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    dude ur kinda dumb, its physically impossible to get enough THC into your system fast enough to die, the only way to get enough in your system fast enough to kill you is if you inject like 3 liters of pure THC into your veins, which is not gonna happen. Im pretty sure the subject of my last...
  11. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    im pretty sure ive been high on THC thousands of times, if you mean pure thc then no i havent. You cant die on weed lol, phsyically impossible to smoke enough to die, your lungs would bleed before the actual drug killed you. 0 deaths from weed in thousands of years. BUT, if you do some research...
  12. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    can you elaborate on why you dont agree or disagree?
  13. Kevdank

    Wow, I Can't Believe Its Not Marijuana

    JWH chems can be insanely stronger than THC, the high is very intense. They are so powerful you can overdose and die on them unlike THC. If you have pure chemical powder be very careful, if your using "spice" type smoke blends then it is harder to overdose cus it is diluted but still very...
  14. Kevdank

    is flushing a noob tactic?

    if your using tap water for weed your a noob, clean water is 25 cents a gallon, cmon now dont be cheap
  15. Kevdank

    is flushing a noob tactic?

    i partially agree, but it is a little different because the plant makes its own food from the suns energy, so even if it only gets pure water, it still has food that it produces on its own which we can call protein. Fertilizer would be the vitamins and minerals needed for the plant to use the...
  16. Kevdank

    is flushing a noob tactic?

    why would you flush for 2 weeks anyway, thats just stupid, it only takes 1 or 2 waterings to flush. flushing is just running clean water though until all the nutrients are out, so once you flush it once, there is nothing left to flush, so flushing for 2 weeks is pointless unless its right before...
  17. Kevdank

    Spice, K2

    hahah I bet. I wanted to buy just pure powder but i dont have that kind of money, I get spice for 3 bucks a gram so its just easier for me. Its a good thing the effects are less heavy cus smoking it comes up super quick for me, like 60 seconds after I take 2 big tokes im baked out of my mind on...
  18. Kevdank

    Spice, K2

    have you taken them orally? Ive always wanted too but I wouldnt know how much spice to put in a brownie, getting too high on spice is way too easy and is way worse than getting too high on weed, and orally would probably last much longer so a bad trip would be ugly.
  19. Kevdank

    Spice, K2

    not sure what you mean, are you talking about the taste?