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  1. Kevdank

    Spice, K2

    the name incense is just for legal purpose, but I see your point on not enough testing. It has been around for like 10 years though, since early 2000's i think. Millions of people around the world have smoked it so if it was super dangerous there would be teens dropping like flies in every major...
  2. Kevdank

    Were ya born in a barn?!

    you gotta be stoned to ponder somethin like that haha
  3. Kevdank

    Spice, K2

    What are your thoughts on herbal incense blends? How close is it to the real thing for you? I find spice to be very similar, almost identical to the real thing. I would call it a Super Sativa, because it is a super intense head high for me, even more than purebred sativa weed. I find it to hit...
  4. Kevdank

    is flushing a noob tactic?

    why fix something that isnt broken? if the plant has no problems then it shouldnt need a flush, except before harvest.
  5. Kevdank

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    try adding a little more weed to the joint next time, .3 is really low for normal papers. The paper to weed ratio is bad so you taste the paper a lot more than you should. try .5 next time and it should be fuller and burn better. Sometimes if I dont have enough weed for a good joint I rip like...
  6. Kevdank

    first grow CFL trainwreck

    lookin good. good work adding more lights, but any farther than 4 inches away and your really losing tons of lumens. There are factors that can effect the safety distance for bulbs, like room temp and humidity and ventilation. if your getting burns at 2 inches it may have to do with those...
  7. Kevdank

    1st Grow. CFL Grow

    i kinda find clones end up with thin, twiggy branches while seed ends up with thicker colas. of course this is just personal experience and there are many factors involved, just my 2 cents
  8. Kevdank

    1st Grow. CFL Grow

    the pre flowers will show up in between those things you circled and the branch so at least your looking in the right spot, my baby didnt show pre flowers till 12th day 12/12
  9. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    GROW IS OVER PMS caused a raging female to rip the plant to shreds. I managed to salvage a tiny premature nugget, probably .2 grams. It gave me a mediocre bowl that gave me a mediocre high. The bud had trichomes but they were very premature, the plant was only about half way through...
  10. Kevdank

    first grow CFL trainwreck

    There really isnt such thing as too close when working with CFL's, they dont get very hot, you literally have to be touching it for a minute to get burned. 2 inches away from the leaves is perfect, some people go closer, even up to 1 inch away without problems, but stick with 2 just to be safe...
  11. Kevdank

    first grow CFL trainwreck

    2 42 watt is definately not enough for a plant that size, your gonna need like 4-6 of those and put them closer to the plant, they are too far away. I cant believe it got that big with only 2 lights that far away.
  12. Kevdank

    day 28 of white widow CFL grow. week 5.

    why would you germinate one but not the other? doesnt really make sense. unless you just wanted to see the difference. I can't beleive it made that big of a difference
  13. Kevdank

    In flowering process.. quick question

    or if you dont have a lot of money your can get pretty much the same result with strong CFL's
  14. Kevdank

    In flowering process.. quick question

    those flood lights arent really doing much unless they are fluerescent. If they arent get rid of them and replace with more twisty CFL's. All they are doing is adding heat. Incandescent lights are the absolute worse type of light you could use for growing. The 23 watt CFL probably emit twice as...
  15. Kevdank

    How to speed up budding or flowering process

    lol I was about to say the same thing, that guy is a tard
  16. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    how long did you veg? I vegged short so she is about 18-20 inches tall and producing buds, are yours flowering yet?
  17. Kevdank

    first grow CFL trainwreck

    when working with CFL, make sure you state the actual wattage not the equivalent, usually 150 watt are actually 42 watt or somewhere around there, it is a pretty big difference. The reason I say that is because I can see a bulb in the corner of your avatar pic. Can we get some more pics, like of...
  18. Kevdank

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    ya thats kinda true, there isnt really a veg stage, I see it kinda the same as starting a seedling from 12/12, even though its technically flowering, you wont see any signs for 2-3 weeks, maybe even a month depending on various factors. When growing an auto flower it will show signs at teh same...
  19. Kevdank

    1st Grow. CFL Grow

    Start flowering now if your worried about room, it is gonna shoot up for the first week or two of flower before it actually gets buds, I made the mistake of waiting too long, even though I vegged for less than a month, it grew like 5 inches taller in the first week of flower, now it stopped...
  20. Kevdank

    First Attempt indoor ghetto grow CFL

    Quick update: just wanted to share that after my last watering she really grew nicely, the sugar is spreading and the preflowers look more like real flowers now, all covered in fuzzy goodness. I noticed a couple small flies around the plant, they look almost exactly like fruit flies, does...