Search results

  1. Power Towel

    Looking for good/best airstones/ diffuser.

    I found some appx 12 inch long blue stones at petco. They are kind of squari-sh in cross section, but top part narrower than bottom part. (i don't remember what that shape is called) Kind of cheaply made (one of the pipes was broken off the stone when I got a few, no biggie just went back and...
  2. Power Towel

    trichrome timing

    Can anyone share their experience with how long (days) they have seen between clear, milky, and amber trichromes? 5 days ago mine were all clear, but fan leaves were yellowing, browning, dropping like crazy, 70% of the pistils were brown and receeded into buds. So I started a "pre flush" and...
  3. Power Towel

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I'm open to doing a clearex flush if that would be better, or I can just go to straight RO. Do you still pH balance your RO to 6.7-6.9, or does it not matter anymore since there are no nutes? Sorry, rookie question.:mrgreen:
  4. Power Towel

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    "Kandy Kush X Skunk" (very sativa-dominant, took 3 weeks 12/12 to tell sex). Vegged for 4 weeks, 12/12 for 80 days now. Predictions on when to chop / when to start flushing reservoir? I'm overdue for a res change already.
  5. Power Towel

    First Grow - Long flowerer - Looking for predictions on harvest time

    This plant is from seed - a freebie from Attitude called Kandy Kush X Skunk. It is Sativa-dominant, and flowering time is "long". It took 3 weeks of 12/12 before I could begin to tell sex. Now I'm at 11 weeks 5 days into 12/12. Not even half of the pistils have browned, ALL the trichromes...
  6. Power Towel

    Flowering In 3 inch Net Pot?

    Transferring between netpots would be nearly impossible once the roots have set in. The hydroton would spill all over the place, you couldn't do a good job of "sticking" the roots into new hydroton, etc. 3 inchers don't necessarily make "small" plants. I use 3" pots and have huge plants - I had...
  7. Power Towel

    Question about H2O2 & GH Nutes

    Really? I'm using 35% (just checked) and do 1/2 teaspoon daily for 6 gallons- which when I did the calcs was 'slightly' low I thought but still close. Maybe I'm not using enough...
  8. Power Towel

    Question about H2O2 & GH Nutes

    4 tsp/ 6 gal at 29%???? Uh, maybe I'm way off here, but I think the daily dose of 30% H2O2 for 6 gallons is 1/2 a teaspoon. At least that's what I've been using. It has ZERO visible effect on the plants. I would stop immediately and re-check what everyone says for dosage if I were you. Did...
  9. Power Towel

    1st Grow - bubbles, CFL, too many plants

    Sorry the pics aren't better today - a little busy but thought I'd post the update. 8 weeks of 12/12 now. You can't see it so good in the pics but MAN this one plant is putting on some serious weight - at least, as far as I can tell - this is still my first grow. The main cola is is about 16...
  10. Power Towel

    First Bubbleponics Grow Plant Leaves Dying Need Diagnosis!!

    my pH always jumps almost 1.0 up between the time I mix a new batch at recommended strength (for mature plants) and 12 hours of being in the res with bubbles and plants. E.g.- start at 5.3, 12 hours later, 6.2. It's crazy - "they say" not to change the pH more than 0.5 but the plants...
  11. Power Towel

    First Bubbleponics Grow Plant Leaves Dying Need Diagnosis!!

    1/2 strength is probably too much at this point. I don't think it's deficiency - they are too young to show deficiency if you are on top of the nutes IMHO. I think you should stay at recommended nute level and wait it out. My plants had some yellowish-brownish leaves and recovered just fine...
  12. Power Towel

    Critique my first grow eva!!!!

    I am a nube at this but based on my experience and reading this forum you "may" have some nute burn. You REALLY need to get a TDS meter off ebay and get more precise with your nute concentration. They are only like $20 or so and free shipping. Looks like pretty "normal" growth for the time...
  13. Power Towel

    New Reservoir - pH up - PPM down - why?

    Sorry for the late reply - had to find the journal. They are 7 weeks into 12/12, and I *think* they supposed to be *long* flowering - definitely sativa dominant. Only one is good (pictured), with 1 giant main and 2 "sub mains" that are just outstanding so far. Out of the other 2 plants, one is...
  14. Power Towel

    New Reservoir - pH up - PPM down - why?

    Has anyone else seen this? I make a fresh batch (in extra container, no airstones or anything) of: 6 gal RO water 18-ish teaspoons Flora Nova Bloom 3-ish teaspoons Sensi-Cal (cal, mag, micros) 1/2 teaspoon 30% H2O2 (a daily additive) 3 teaspoons SM-90 Right off the bat, the pH is 5.0 or...
  15. Power Towel

    RO Water?

    Plants are looking great so far, by the way.
  16. Power Towel

    RO Water?

    Mostly what you miss out on with RO is calcium and magnesium, and various other trace minerals. As long as you use nutes (and/or additional supplements) that have trace minerals (like calcium and magnesium, iron, etc.) you should be set. I've been using RO and Flora Nova 1-part for bloom and...
  17. Power Towel

    Advanced nutrients organics In DWC.....

    Sorry, haven't used them, but my Flora Nova 1 Part did the same thing - stains them a bit (kind of an amber more than brown)- and there is a slight foaminess and darker area above the water level. I started using SM-90 and now the roots are a consistent color above/below the water level and...
  18. Power Towel

    1st dwc grow going bad

    And at the risk of being captain obvious - GRADUAL changes - I never swing pH more than .5, or ppms more than 200, during any res maintenance or change. Sounds like you are doing everything OK.
  19. Power Towel

    1st dwc grow going bad

    Those don't look "too" bad at all. Number one rule I keep telling myself - DON'T STRESS. Mine had similar looking leaves at that stage. I agree with the others - just based on my 1st grow - still in progress - you may have turned up the nutes a little fast. Don't expect the bad leaves to...
  20. Power Towel

    Trick for Increased Bubble Action

    I came across this totally by accident, but just recently realized what was happening. I have a well-sealed wooden box (I used caulk in the seams, and weather stripping for the door, and that expando-foam stuff to seal the flexi-hose going out of the box). I have a 4-inch Vortex pulling out...