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  1. Power Towel

    1st Grow - bubbles, CFL, too many plants

    Holy cow - my box is just not big enough, and the Sativas are going to keep poor little LA Woman (Indica) from gettting much light unfortunately. Thanks to little screw-in eyes and kite string, I'm able (barely) to keep the monster sativa out of the lights at least for now. The good news -...
  2. Power Towel

    plant mix in the same res.

    I thought about dividers as well. Would definitely make life easier - though - probably somewhat tough to implement. Maybe some kind of hard plastic sheets + epoxy would do the trick. Make it removable. Set it on top of the air stones. Wouldn't eliminate tangles but I would think make them...
  3. Power Towel

    Help - plant too tall

    Yep - going to do my best. Thanks! Got a great idea from the hydro store owner a little while ago - to not just "bend" it "down" but to "corkscrew" it "around" the inside of the box. Of course you LST and scrog guys probably know this is a no-brainer. Definitely going to do a shorter veg and...
  4. Power Towel

    first bubble grow nute help

    sorry, i meant botanicare pureblend pro grow and general hydroponics flora nova 1 part bloom.
  5. Power Towel

    first bubble grow nute help

    Still on my first grow but I have had incredible results so far from General Hydroponics pro blend grow and flora nova. For the first few grows, I think keeping the pH and ppm where it should be is a much bigger factor than the nute brand. I also decided to start using RO water instead of tap...
  6. Power Towel

    plant mix in the same res.

    Yanking the males is TOUGH but once you have identified them you must pull them. There is no way I was able to get all the broken off male roots out because they were just too intertwined with the female roots. Just do your best, don't be afraid to cut out some of the female roots (they will...
  7. Power Towel

    Help - plant too tall

    Hey guys! The monster sativa-dominant plant is only a couple of inches away from being too tall for my box. I tried to tie it back but it's looking like it is too strong/stalky now to bend any more. I am 3 weeks into 12/12 - though it JUST started showing pistils. My choices may be to: 1...
  8. Power Towel

    How fast is your RO system?

    I've been checking these out online today, and it appears that speed is the limiting factor - I've read anywhere from 30-90 minutes per gallon (30 from manufacturer, 90 from a user review). Splitting the difference, that's 1 hour per gallon. I'm not sure I want to wait 6 hours for my "mixing...
  9. Power Towel

    Nutrient ph problem question...

    These are all great points and I agree, except, my water has zero cholorine (Never does - if you lived where I do you'd know, and I have verified this using chlorine testers). I also verified the pH in my tap water always rises back to 8.1 until it's saturated, just water no nutes, in a bucket...
  10. Power Towel

    First time grower 1000w Mi5 bubbleponics

    Very impressive! Doesn't sound like you need much advice on the physics side of it. Keep us updated.
  11. Power Towel

    Nutrient ph problem question...

    I had a severe problem using my tap water of about 250ppm/8.1pH, even after ph-Down-ing it, it just kept "reverting" back to the 8.1 neighborhood. Turns out that part of that 250ppm had a very strong buffering capacity - so although I could knock it down for a while, it would always go back to...
  12. Power Towel

    1st Grow - bubbles, CFL, too many plants

    OK here we are at week 5 - have been on 12/12 for 5 days now. Man, what a difference from week 3! These things EXPLODED once I got on top of the pH, nutes, and changing the reservoir. I had to have a friend come over to take care of them a few days - he did not raise the lights high enough -...
  13. Power Towel

    1st Grow - bubbles, CFL, too many plants

    OK so 24 hours later the ph is at 6.8. WTF. That's 1 point above the 5.8 of last night at reservoir change. I knocked it down to 5.8 tonight. I'm at 1 gallon of water per plant now. finally noticing they had a nice little drink in 24 hours - can only guestimate - maybe 1/4 gallon or so. I...
  14. Power Towel

    1st Grow - bubbles, CFL, too many plants

    Ah - there is no kit per se. I went to HD only to get rejected. However, this thread gave me the info I needed: To simplify just for the drain bit, just get: 1/2" pvc ball valve (usually a red handled thingy...
  15. Power Towel

    1st Grow - bubbles, CFL, too many plants

    Thanks guys! It was labelled "Thai S-Skunk" from G13 Labs. I assume it's their "Thai Super Skunk" F1 hybrid. Not that I know what the flip an F1 hybrid is. Probably has nothing to do with really fast, fuel-efficient cars.:mrgreen: So I gave the 2 teenie weenies the axe. Now there are six -...
  16. Power Towel

    Strawberry Cough, 7 weeks flower/DWC/1kw hps

    SWEET nug! Wow! What a comeback. Is that kite string in the pic?
  17. Power Towel

    1st Grow - bubbles, CFL, too many plants

    I finally got my pH under control. For semi-hard, very alkaline tap water, a quick run through a brita filter does WONDERS for "debuffering" the water so you can actually control it. I will do my first reservoir change today hopefully - but I have to find a "spigot" for the bottom of my tub to...
  18. Power Towel

    Best Fake Story for Grow Box?

    So my plans for stealth were somewhat usurped by my 2nd grader who found the box prior to me finishing the faux front of the plastic cabinet that was there. Now I am racking my brain to come up with a good story for why there is a big plywood box in our closet. So far the best I can come up...
  19. Power Towel

    1st Grow - bubbles, CFL, too many plants

    In fact, I may just pull the res, give the roots another little air bath, and see just how short the bounce-back time is, and just keep on adding acid until the buffers are gone, THEN start my gradual decline down to the appropriate zone. Would probably be a lot better than constantly and...
  20. Power Towel

    1st Grow - bubbles, CFL, too many plants

    I wish it were as simple as the ph roller coaster. I would be happy with fluctuations both ways. Unfortunately, it only goes one way, back up toward the original ph of the tap water - 8.3. After some research I have found that a lot of tap water has built-in buffering capacity due to the...