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  1. C

    Emergency Harvest!

    way to have support for the fellow growers in this country, its people like you that fuck up the movement toward legalization. you should support him and his cause. we'd get a lot further workin together rather than talkin shit to someone lookin for advice on the internet. you should help and...
  2. C

    Curing Seeds

    and yes hermies are more abundant in feminised seeds but it is how its done. it depends on the genes. like i said look it up!!
  3. C

    Curing Seeds

    maybe i should correct something... i did not mean that thats how you are supposed to do it i was saying its a good way to do it. i've done it myself and found that mimicking nature is a good way. and i did NOT mean freeze them either. once they are dry and hardened off the plant i found that...
  4. C

    Curing Seeds

    and if they don't i would like you to tell me where they come from and/or how they're produced.
  5. C

    Curing Seeds

    yes they do a female is stressed into growing male flowers to pollinate themselves. look it up stupid!!!!!!!
  6. C

    need help wit fox farm products

    get the FF feeding schedule it will help out alot. people that don't like FF either have sensitive strains or ain't doin it right cuz if you follow the chart you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  7. C

    Curing Seeds

    Feminised seeds come from hermies.
  8. C

    Curing Seeds

    im sry to tell ya man but think about this.....what happens in nature? the best way is to dry them and then store them in a cool place. kinda like simulating winter in a way. i'd say a full year but im sure you could do it in half the time.
  9. C

    2 Different Killings At Dispensaries In Los Angeles

    people are always going to rob, steal and kill no matter what. i bet the authorities are gonna make a big deal out of it in order to put another black mark on medical marijuana in the country. I just hope the public (pot-smokers and people who don't smoke) realizes that shit like this is always...
  10. C

    Someone please call 911 !!!

    how many weeks in flwr?
  11. C

    Is it ready to harvest? (day 54, ChemDog)

    thats some beautiful chemdog!!! + rep its a trait of the chemdog family espeically chemdogg D.. must be a very similar phenotype.. give it time and go by the trichs you'll be good to go. probably bout two more weeks
  12. C

    7 weeks in flwr and leaves are dead. what happend??

    thanks for the help + rep im well within two weeks now for sure. prob feed once or twice more and flush. thanks for sure. still open for discussion tho ;-)
  13. C

    7 weeks in flwr and leaves are dead. what happend??

    not sure bout the ph. haven't invested in one yet. i use 2 part pro-mix 1 part worm shit 1 part perlite. i can def see it being ph. but its only with one plant and looks to be starting on another. i use store bought water
  14. C

    7 weeks in flwr and leaves are dead. what happend??

    it says two tsp. per gal. of water every other watering. i used it every watering. could be the problem but it doesn't look like nute burn.
  15. C

    7 weeks in flwr and leaves are dead. what happend??

    so i've had this problem for a while. just thought the plant was gonna finish early but i was wrong. the leaves just started to yellow/ brown and die off. the plant is sucking the nutes right out.. i just don't know why. the buds look fine for now but all the leaves are gone and the plant is...
  16. C

    Seeds in My Females

    not completely true........ when a female plant will sometimes develope a male flower or two late in flower. as long as the hermie problem wasn't too bad then the seeds should be feminised. thats where feminised seeds come from. although feminised seeds do have some tendincies to turn hermie due...
  17. C

    Dark Green Leaves Curling Under, Day 40 of Flowering

    i think your doin okay man. its happened to me a couple times with different strains. check back in if you keep having issues or it gets worse. the plant might be getting ready to suck the leaves nutes out for finishing. count on harvest soon!!!
  18. C

    Day 67 trichs CLOSEUP... still not ready??

    They are done. Almost over done. See how tall the trichs are
  19. C

    My Snow Whites :D

    how long you been in flwr?
  20. C

    Hey. How Do You Grow Shrooms?

    if your that much of a stoner then you wouldn't understand anyway. its a simple and complicated process at the same time. get a book or something