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  1. C

    Highest yield per watt...

    not a dumb question. what is possible per watt ( HPS only) i got .5 a watt off cfls maxed out. i'd like to know what people can do. whats possible !!??
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    Flowering for 6 weeks, is this a problem?

    im having the same problem. i was thinkin its normal too. i was just the sudden change in one and not the others that boggled me. and even the leaves up top are yellowing. hhmmmmm ima just wait and see how it goes. flowers look incredible just the leaves are affected
  3. C

    What happens if I lose all my leaves 7 weeks into flowering?

    im having the same problems. don't think its because of being root bound tho. your plants are bigger than mine and im using the same size pot. i believe its due to PK abuse. either that or there just finishing up and putting everything they got into the flowers. however it just doesn't seem...
  4. C

    Curling sadly ..

    you mean snow white... they look fine to me
  5. C

    Please help! -Pics-

    And there is no way to tell if its a male yet... That was the largest piece of bunk info thet gave you as well. Like i said listen to what makes sense. Plants are like a women. Lol they have a mind of there own and you need to know what they want, give it to them, and they'll show you love in...
  6. C

    Please help! -Pics-

    man i see a lot of bunk info here... except the over watering part' thats true. all he asked was " is it okay?' whats wrong?" not about topping and pot size... heres the thing.. you need a bigger pot yes but not whats causing your problem. you need to add perlite to your mix so your roots get a...
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    six weeks into flowering and rootbound as hell.. HELP!!

    and i vegged for five weeks been in flwr for five also
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    six weeks into flowering and rootbound as hell.. HELP!!

    ~Newsflash~ there is NO such thing as Cannabis getting "rootbound" i found this while looking for info. not sure how much i believe all of it but it does make sense. yeah they say "more roots, more fruits" but we'll see i guess. one of my ladies leaves are turnin yellow and fallin off. i know...
  9. C

    six weeks into flowering and rootbound as hell.. HELP!!

    thanks for the help guys!!! its bagseed. a great strain for whatever it is but bagseed none the less. the plants and there buds seem to be doin great at the moment but i can tell jus by lookin that they want more room. the way it looks judging by the buds they have at least three more weeks to...
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    six weeks into flowering and rootbound as hell.. HELP!!

    six weeks into flower and my ladies are bound as hell.. should i just leave them and just learn from my mistake or should i act now and transplant... i know stress at this stage would be bad but i just want to get max yield from this grow... HELP!!!! + rep:confused:
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    Snow White (4 MAIN COLAS) around week 4 **PICS**

    tiger bloom works great for me and i feed on every watering.... hhmmmmm.. well you cant argue with good results tho.. looks good man
  12. C

    6 weed old indica

    dude plant more and put them outside. thats the only way i see you getting anything at all. some people just dont have a green thumb. you'd be better off workin for some cash to buy a bag than workin on your
  13. C

    I got a hermie in the mix!!!

    okay thanks guys... ill be rippin it up when the lights come back on.+ rep
  14. C

    Highest yield per watt...

    nobody? gee thanks everyone
  15. C

    I got a hermie in the mix!!!

    :leaf:I just found a hermie... should i rip it up? its happened before and was fine but there was only a few male flowers. theres a bunch on this one and its still early. should i rip it out?:cuss:
  16. C

    Highest yield per watt...

    :leaf: What is the highest yield per watt of light possible? i've seen up to a gram before.. is it possible to get more than that? I want to know what is possible with my 400 w HPS. i'd like to get between 3/4 - 1 gram per watt. any and all input and pics welcome. THANX :leaf:
  17. C

    Bag Seed Luck?

    bag seed can bring great results.. just because it was shitty when you got it doesn't mean it was shitty when it was harvested or a shitty strain. many commercial growers use great strains to work with.. the reason it looks like it does when you got it (90% of the time) is because they want to...
  18. C

    Grandaddy purps and lemon kush? Any and all info wanted

    :weed: so im thinking bout getting gandaddy purps and lemon kusk... antbody had experiance with these strains? + rep for pics. any and all info wanted plz. thanx:mrgreen:
  19. C

    The official fox farms® thread

    can i use tiger bloom through the whole flower cycle till flush? or do i need to get big bloom for the very end?