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  1. C

    growing with blacklight

    dude your joking right? do you know nothing about plant biology? read some threads before you post next time, this site is full of useful info. you might learn a thing or two.
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  3. C

    no more air exchange

    dude this ain't grammer class either leave something usefull or don't leave nothing... anyway smell will be a big factor unless its super well hidden with no house guests and/or visiters plus co2 can b potentially harmfull to your girls... you know what they say about to much of a good thing
  4. C

    New Stealth Cabinet Grow. Need some advice on equipment and setup...

    DTY bro best and cheapest way to do it!!!! keep us posted and all other stuff ebay is great... just don't cheap out on lights and safety... gettin caught is one thing but getting caught because you burnt your house down and hurt your loved ones is a whole different type of situation.. good luck...
  5. C

    3x3 closet grow tent setup

    SHIT sry man.. its been a long morning.. i forgot to answer your question in the first place... but yeah you could ever fit nine!!!! one for every square foot... you just need to keep em short and trim the bottom vegetation.. more commonly known as SOG or Sea Of Green method
  6. C

    3x3 closet grow tent setup

    dude i just did a closet same size grow space but the actual size of the whole closet is a little bigger for cord ballast etc. i have not heard good things about LED lights from people i know that have used them but some people swear by them... personally i think youd be better off with like a...
  7. C

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    everyday thousands of non-violent peace loving people. ( some deathly ill) are wrongly prosecuted and sent to jail. not to mention the tax payers have to pay for it. Over half of the prisoners in the U.S.A. are non-violent drug offenders, and rapists, murderers, and child molesters are getting...
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    any and all things i say are for information purposes only. THEY ARE NOT TRUE.

    any and all things i say are for information purposes only. THEY ARE NOT TRUE.
  9. C

    Seems like a male, no? ( Pics )

    its a male dude. i can tell right away 100% just start a new batch sex them then pick the best pheotype that appeals to you and GROW... this is why un-feminesed seeds suck ass. i've done it quite alot and clones and fem seeds are always the better choice...sry bout the bad luck..
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    lmfao i pay 80 a half 175 an oz for danks BIG UP to maine and its dank ass weed.... ya'll need to reconize
  11. C

    "Buds for Less" CFL grow, Day 68.. how much longer.

    i grow with cfls and my sh!t came out better than the guys sh!t that game me the clones... and he has an expensive high tech set up...who ever says that you cant grow good weed with cfls is full of shit.ill have to post some pics. nice grow man. not too much longer...i see some amber trichs
  12. C

    Ready to Harvest?

    why would you throw it away? even if it didn't get ya high you could still sell it. that way your time isn't completely wasted