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  1. milkmilk

    First HArvest With Pics..

    interesting, i wonder. Maybe a hps bulb with the 30% blue spectrum in it would be pro.
  2. milkmilk

    First grow- gonna' be crap?

    get fox farms light warrior for seedlings, and fox farms ocean forest for when u transplant. FoxFarm is supreme over the others
  3. milkmilk

    New Grower!

    Not good to just dig up dirt from the back yard, could be decease and unwanted bugs in it, your so close to the begining and you are using bag seeds, i would just start over before you have problems.(would suck to grow them for a few months then have them die. Read, read,read. Get the...
  4. milkmilk

    flowering time!! i think...

    how tall is the room you are flowering in? plants look nice an healthy
  5. milkmilk

    how can i add nitrogen to my plant?

    bet those buds would taste good lol bongsmilie:spew:
  6. milkmilk


    pics and more info plz
  7. milkmilk

    do they scan the whole state with flir

    OMFG, i was just looking up a video of this technology and found this.... its a car chase then the suspect gets a shotgun and shoots himself in the head at "58 sec" and all u can really see is the heat of his brains shoot around...... crazy
  8. milkmilk

    wtf AM i doing wrong, sick plant!!! HELP!!!!

    hahaha dam you got me, i was like dam thats hot... and you saying you give them plently of water, i was sure you watered them 5 times a day lol
  9. milkmilk

    WTF why do helicopters keep flying over my house?

    Funny, when ever i grow i feel like helicoptors are always over my house.... but im sure they are always there and i only pay attention 2 them when i grow. anyway, i wouldnt worry
  10. milkmilk

    So I followed you guys's advice..

    Don't worry about co2 and get a nicelight with a ventalated hood and hook a fan up 2 it. Co2 is a Litle much for a beginer. Get the basics down First
  11. milkmilk

    400 watt 2 much?

    Thanks alot, my leaves looked like they have turned a lighter green so i moved the light 20inches away hopefully they will love it, ty
  12. milkmilk

    fungus gnats!!!

    Get some lady bugs they will eat them, and wont hurt your plants
  13. milkmilk

    400 watt 2 much?

    Ok my main question is what damages plants when it comes to lights? Does only the heat from the bulbs hurt the plants or do the uv rays hurt it as welll. I have some 1 week old seeedlings under my 400 watt mh, i can maintain 75 degrees so the heat isnt gonna hurt but.... will the uv rays...
  14. milkmilk

    Arjans Strawberry haze, Super lemon haze and Kings Kush. CFL & Sun grow

    best of luck with the ladies (cross your fingers)
  15. milkmilk

    400 Watt Metal Halide distance from sprouts

    and.. can i OVER spray my sprouts with water. is it a good idea to spray often while the plants are young and developing a root system?
  16. milkmilk

    400 Watt Metal Halide distance from sprouts

    My 1 week old plants are 1 foot from my 400 watt mh light... as long as my temp are down (there at 75, i have ventalated hood) is it ok for them to be that close? what damages the plant, the heat put out by the light or the uv from the light, or both?
  17. milkmilk

    girls look terriible!! w/ pics

    looks like it might be nute burn, not 100% sure tho. I would lay off the nutes for now and give it a nice clean flush