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  1. hellohappinesss

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    Very cool, I just started a tub grow just like this, I think your tub is a bit bigger (mine is the rectangular one, not sure how many gallons). what is the height of your sides? are you doing any lst or topping to keep the height down?
  2. hellohappinesss

    Who will beat the Packers?

    Giants!!... maybe if they didn't loose their entire defense.. :(
  3. hellohappinesss

    British people

    I had high hopes for this "british people" thread.. muffins?! lol
  4. hellohappinesss

    Want to try LSD, but afraid

    check it out.. I'm a person that has gotten worked up before trying each drug I've tried.. I haven't even had a mushie trip yet.. seriously! but I did acid only cause I know some genious chem major that cooks it and he didn't have the molly I was lookin for so my friends and I said oh what the...
  5. hellohappinesss

    Guy bought 10 8th's?!

    we've got nice bud options/prices around here... 220 for a zip of good stuff 300 for your big names (sour diesel, kush) but fuck that, I just roll blunts and spliffs why wouldn't I be happy with a 220 O.. it's no mexican shit either it's either a good outdoor or a decent indoor. shoot when I...
  6. hellohappinesss

    The RUI Skate thread.

    lol.. I competed in the qualifiers, I was on a team of skaters that were NASTY vert competitors and actually qualified so I'd travel with them and free skate some nice parks.. but I was never any good. I was just the youngest of the bunch and had balls for my age. I quit skating at 18 because...
  7. hellohappinesss

    The RUI Skate thread.

    yeaaaa i remember my skate days I started maad young at like 12 skating in nova(northern virginia) got my sponsoships skated some dewtours and shit. I'd be at Vans skatepark in manassas errrrry day. i'd skate any deck long as it was free but hellll yeah used to rip through shoes, man. i was...
  8. hellohappinesss

    any stories of introducing parents to your grow?

    alright alright.. I'm older now (21), so my parents don't quite give a fuck about what I do however, they aren't exactly marijuana friendly people. it's never been worth opening up to them about me being a regular all day everyday smoker... literally I was busted at the early age of 15 and they...
  9. hellohappinesss

    My weed smells shit

    yo, that's that stealthy shit lol sell it to highschoolers
  10. hellohappinesss

    Metal grow cabinet build for 1st grow

    'Nuff said.. wow, I should visit the autoflo part of riu once in a while..
  11. hellohappinesss

    Watering with beer??

    Keystone light grows the smoothest of buds
  12. hellohappinesss

    Metal grow cabinet build for 1st grow

    This is making me consider trying autos on my next order.. how long from start to finish do you expect this grow to go? Three months?
  13. hellohappinesss


    Thanks man, you;re right anyone that can see something that they can make money out of on a large scale (many things at once) can make lots of money. Lots of people have messaged me to ask more about what I mean when it comes to buying things in bulk online. I'll reply relatively slowly...
  14. hellohappinesss

    has anyone

    Who could be scared of a Jeffrey?
  15. hellohappinesss

    QUESTION For Miracle-Gro Organic users...

    I know and have heard from lots of people.. they've had great success with the mg organic mix. I'm doing half of my new batch in it 1. because the local dro store was closed and I really wanted to get some seeds I germinated in some soil fast so i had to go to home depot 2. i'll compare the...
  16. hellohappinesss

    Did everyone have a good Thanksgiving?

    Of course, man. It sure is nuts how much better his other tunes are.. I've heard him make a blog post once where he bad mouthed atlantic records and the radio and how they always tell him what his songs need and supposedly those are the ones on the radio.. oh well. I haven't listened to his new...
  17. hellohappinesss

    Did everyone have a good Thanksgiving?

    tharoomman - I was once a huuuge mraz follower and wasn't sure that I had seen that photo of him that you have as an avatar anywhere.. I got to thinkin', "what would the chances be that mraz himself would be on riu.." I creeped around on your threads and everything... you aren't him :/ but you...
  18. hellohappinesss

    should i stay or move?

    haven't been around riu in a minute but I just logged in to gain motivation and inspiration for Ive started my third grow last week... idk if I'm just exhausted or blazed but that sounds like a pretty dope plan to me. your question about moving hits home with me because it's something I've...
  19. hellohappinesss

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