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  1. hellohappinesss

    So 2012 Is Only A Year Away!!!

    Nothin's going to happen. If anything does, it'll all be for the better. The American Dollar will fail and we'll have to replace it with a new system of currency. Something that holds actual value like gold. We'll bring the CULTURE back to agriCULTURE and people will have to depend on...
  2. hellohappinesss

    Demolition Man

    helll yeah watched that shit
  3. hellohappinesss

    F@*&#! bombed .. whats YOUR favorite or MUST eat thing while baked!!!

    Buffalo Chicken Calzone DP Dough Buffer Zone holla if ya know what I'm talkin about
  4. hellohappinesss

    Wiz Khalifa

    19 big khalifa fan
  5. hellohappinesss

    Post a pic of food.

    The greatest thing to do to get inspired about food while you're high.
  6. hellohappinesss

    Girlfriends and Trees

    that blowws, my dude. I'm nineteen and so is my girl.. she doesn't smoke. her parents do though! she got some decent bud in her christmas stocking and gave that shit to me. she actually likes me a lot better when I'm high. if I'm in a bad mood and don't have any tree she'll get her mom to drop...
  7. hellohappinesss

    Independent and Local Musicians!

    my hip-hop group. it's gotta different feel anyone who wants mp3's of our new mixtape (songs that aren't on the myspace) let me know and I could get them to you. hope you enjoy atleast a little.
  8. hellohappinesss


    When I was seventeen I started an ebay business. I'd go to the local salvo every half-off Wednesday and buy the ralph lauren polos for about a buck a piece. I could sell them in bundles for like 25 bucks or sell them per shirt for about 5 bucks each. You've gotta do it big to make money, I...
  9. hellohappinesss

    Happenings That Changed Your Life?

    I agree with the last two posters.... I'd say do what ya gotta do, you got a really shitty sentence.. just be careful. If you testify on a heroin dealer pullin' in 50 G's a week (as they actually do), someone is going to come after you looking for blood.
  10. hellohappinesss

    Profit from Bulk Buying

    that all was a bit harsh. sorry man haha. here's some better advice. start out buying buy the half oz or oz and only sell amongst your friends that smoke. this way you understand how to manage your business and you get a feel for the game (sorta) if you do it right, more people will continue...
  11. hellohappinesss

    Profit from Bulk Buying

    you got ripppped. if i was tryna flip and all i had was 160 i'd be in the coke game. you'd make $450 if you did it right. THEN work into getting a qp so that you can actually turn a profit on the weed front. all you can do in your situation now is try to chop to .8 bag grams and sell to people...
  12. hellohappinesss

    So I found 1200+ rounds of ammo today....

    I would sell the ammo, man. like the last poster said, the prices are steep on that shit. if you really wanna shoot then check your local ads.. there are loads of divorcees selling the last of their shit so that they can afford court. most of the time the last of their shit is guns...
  13. hellohappinesss

    Cloning help question

    Cool. I'm just a new and excited grower.. have my first two plants going right now, both female and about a 1.5 ft. I want more plants and more experience that's the only reason I'm keen on trying to save it. Thanks for the help.
  14. hellohappinesss

    Cloning help question

    I cut it just because it was pretty damaged already and i figured waiting would only lessen the chances of a successful clone. I have stupid but innocent questions. Am I wasting my time? The stem is very very small, only about 3/4 of an inch long and pretty skinny- not very mature. This was...
  15. hellohappinesss

    Cloning help question

    is it too late now that it is flowering?
  16. hellohappinesss

    Cloning help question

    I have a plant that has been flowering for a few weeks. A bottom branch that a flower on it has been slightly chewed at the stem by my cat........... Should I let it continue growing as apart of the plant or can i cut it and put it in water and try to clone it? This is not a part of the main...
  17. hellohappinesss

    Can you answer?

  18. hellohappinesss

    Can you answer?

    Because you'll need a male plant to create seeds. A male plant is needed to pollinate your female crop and render it seedy.
  19. hellohappinesss

    paypal seeds?

    word, thanks lots. the debit's a good idea. there really isn't any real bad stuff with seeds around my parts. a friend of mine an hour away gave me three seeds that he pulled outa a sack. i've been reading a lot around here, staying quiet. 2of3 turned out female, theyre about two ft. tall...
  20. hellohappinesss

    paypal seeds?

    Lookin' for a way to grab seeds via paypal... any websites, any friends on RIU? Strain quality isn't important. Many thanks!