Search results

  1. StewartWarner

    Color strains

    I just go to Attitude and type "blue" or "purple" and try the word "berry" in the search box and check the picks to see what you want it also lists the breeder/strain :)
  2. StewartWarner

    I have a couple questions.

    just dry in the grow room it will be fine sorry dont know exact numbers but search around a bit and u can find it on here ;)
  3. StewartWarner

    Veg+flower all in 1?

    yeah u can use it check out some posts from Uncle Ben he will set u straight on using N during flowering ;)
  4. StewartWarner

    do i NEED nutrients???

    tight budget MG will work im using the Grow now and plan to use their Bloom vary soon :) If they look good no need to feed them they will tell you when theyre hungry. Get thoes pics up lol :)
  5. StewartWarner

    Reduce Weed Stench

    you need something like this
  6. StewartWarner

    4 weeks in flowering, will they finish in another 4 weeks like normal NL?

    there looking real good man I would say they'll be done 3-4 weeks :)
  7. StewartWarner

    326W CFL Closet Stealth Grow 2012((!!PICS INCLUDED!!))

    Thanks! :) got a grow of your own? post it i want to check it out
  8. StewartWarner

    Critical Automatic Advice W/ pics

    just go to 12/12 if it doesnt show any progress in a week or so?
  9. StewartWarner

    Automated 2L Hempy Grow?

    a pump on a timer just figure out how long to leave it on for
  10. StewartWarner

    Organic 400W Soil Grow: Maple Leaf, Candy Kush & Peace-Maker

    Hey everything looks great i love thoes bud covered babies :) but tell me more about the dyson (how much air does it move/how hard it blow?) ive had the same idea!
  11. StewartWarner

    Tips, criticizm, compliments?

    hey everything looks great man ! do you play them music? I find its good to play em some Floyd :)
  12. StewartWarner

    Critical Automatic Advice W/ pics

    I would keep it just B/C it looks healthy and i like to take care of things (scrap it if u have other seeds and are impatient)
  13. StewartWarner

    humidity control/powdery mildew (micro grow)

    yeah containing the water would help, the powder could be from the perlite you could just collect some and put a small amount of sugar water in a jar and then a folded up paper towel w/ the substance in the jar put the lid on and see if it grows anything lol if not then ur good and its just perlite
  14. StewartWarner

    vegging for 4 weeks now, how do they look??

    kool beans, what kind of soil, nutes, lights(cfl but how many and what wattage)?
  15. StewartWarner

    vegging for 4 weeks now, how do they look??

    Looks real nice but can u give a size reference? pics make em look small
  16. StewartWarner

    My First Grow

    Lokks great man! :)
  17. StewartWarner

    56 days flowering blackberry (pics)

    I would wait longer if your comfortable with it
  18. StewartWarner

    Cool Pic of lumans hitting my plants.

    hey love your set up lol mine are 20days too lol :)
  19. StewartWarner

    326W CFL Closet Stealth Grow 2012((!!PICS INCLUDED!!))

    8-) Thanks for stopping by fellow RIU members:-P Awhile back i did my first grow and ive had a few other trial runs to get my roots started;). This time around I feel alot more comfortable about my set-up Im just looking for any insight or ideas to improve and will be doing weekly updates...