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  1. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    Flower week #7, buds are thickening and really startin to trich out.Time to start gettin things together for next run. I will be cutting a bunch of #18 clones tonight and hopefully trading some or maybe even buying a few new strains from a local dispensary. I have a mother of SLH and a next...
  2. kindone

    Looking for a good supplier, im a vendor

    Agreed, all of the outdoor I see is 100% organic and is usually tastier than most of the indoor out there.
  3. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    Week number 6 flower . I am not sure why but I am getting alot of yellowing of leaves. Looks to me like a little heat stress mixed with a nute def, not quite sure why though, I have been sticking with lucas formula to a T as usual. I have decided next round to try canna nutes in one of my setups...
  4. kindone

    AK 48 seeds .......... any reviews or info

    The ethylene gas given off by the ripening fruit increases the female ratio. Make sure that you have the banana (or the peel) wrapped in paper towels and the seeds in a paper bag or envelope. Then put them both in a sealed plastic gallon size bag, on opposite ends. Check them every day to make...
  5. kindone

    The Scrog Club

    Looks good man, that skunkberry is making my mouth water. I have been looking at bringing a cheese strain into my garden, I have never smoked one. Do you have mothers going of the cheese and skunkberry? If I remember correcttly you are from kzoo, my hometown. If you would be interested in...
  6. kindone

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    OG #18 day# 39 flower
  7. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    I think i am going to switch the hoods out and eventually add two more 600w' ers
  8. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    Ya know , I would say it started slow and the seed looked weak and small, but after she got going it was off to the races. It is a very fast rooting plant when cutting clones though, about 7 days.
  9. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    Well, Florida was a little colder than I would have liked but still plenty sunny. The weed was good because I brought my own. Ran a little low the last few days but I made it out alive. The fucking nightmares of coming home to a dried up room were still haunted me a couple of nights, all in all...
  10. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    Well tomarro marks 3 weeks of flower and I'm leaving for sunny florida tonight. I was hopin to put a pic update today but the wife packed tha camera already and I cant find it. I've started supercropping a bit the last few days so we'll see how it works. I have a friend stopping by a couple...
  11. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    I vegged for 20 days and today is week two flower.
  12. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    Week #2 flower, my scrog is suckin hind tit this time around and I don't know why. Seems like I am not getting the stretch I want. Everthing is growing out to the same length under the screen and bunching up like panties.I am going to take teddiekgb's advice from another thread and train for...
  13. kindone

    Question about extent of medical records...

    It is all about the money in Michigan, thats all they want. If you can make the story sound good then its a bonus.
  14. kindone

    The Scrog Club

    Today marks week #2 of flower for my OG #18 , any suggestions on training, should I train for another week or let her go?
  15. kindone

    Question about extent of medical records...

    I have a very similiar story and recieved mine without a problem, you will be fine.
  16. kindone

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Whats the deal on monkey paw, I heard that used to be a popular strain in the 80's that originated in Michigan.
  17. kindone

    Cough Drops In Your Bong

    When I was like 13 I use to smoke with this crazy ass vietnam vet that would put menthol in his bong. That fucker was pretty crazy.
  18. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    THANK YOU JESUS. I cant wait for that resurection bro its gonna be sick.
  19. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    Na man, she's cool. I don't think I could piss her off if I wanted to. About a month after I married her daughter we rode with them to a cousins wedding. Long story short, few bottles of red wine, I puked in the back seat of her jeep liberty because the damn window switch is in the center , even...
  20. kindone

    1200w OG KUSH #18 dwc scrog

    Week 1 flower.Startin to mash the screen and stank. My mother in law watches my kids a couple days a week and the last two times she came in the house she was like " what is that smell in your house I just can't pin it" I think that means its time to hook up the filter.