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  1. indicaivy

    first out door grow

    guano and the fish and bone mix are good. I normally won't get the miracle grow as I am starting them out as seedlings because alot of the times they will get chemical burns but by transplanting time I use the miracle the time they are cured and harvested right there's no...
  2. indicaivy

    left over plants

    I get good strains so I let nothing go to waste. I pull my males as soon as I see the little balls growing in their clusters and dry them out, grind them up and smoke them, it gets me through til my ladies are ready, but be careful has to be a good strain male...if not you will end up...
  3. indicaivy

    Desert grow

    Most of your strains will thirve during the heat, especiallythe tropical strains. Just make sure that you are definitely past your frost and that they have plenty of water in that heat, just don't overwater them. If you have to grow them in 5 gallon buckets put holes in the bottom and place...
  4. indicaivy


    your leaves are what is supplying the light and nutrients to your buds.
  5. indicaivy

    It's Almost Time

    Go to the old farmers almanac online and see when the last frost will be in your area. You could start them now and start the seedlings off inside so they will be strong enough for when you plant them outside.
  6. indicaivy


    Do you have the room to tie them down?
  7. indicaivy

    handling seeds

    Look, if you just got done working on the truck or in the laundry or have gotten them oily is in your best interest to make sure your hands are clean. Normal day normal hands probably no problem..xtra dirty just take the time to wash or use tweezers very lightly so as not to touch...
  8. indicaivy

    first out door grow

    ;-) aahhh..the excitement of the first grow...I remember losing my virginity to Williams Wonder and Jack Herer...those were the days :joint: . If there is anything i can help you out with give me a shout..:peace: Ivy
  9. indicaivy


    what's your watering ratio?
  10. indicaivy


    Must be nice to be where you you get an asshole cop he can bust you just for having the seeds...:(
  11. indicaivy

    seed not sprouted

    Wow..just one seed? That's a 50/50 chance of you getting a female. Start off with atleast a few to give yourself better chances. I use the water bottle method myself and as soon as i see the lil tap roots I place the seeds..roots face down into the soil, not deep just lightly covered then i keep...
  12. indicaivy

    If the seed dont germenate?

    I have waited up to two weeks on my feminized ones...each one is different..doesn't hurt to wait. Ivy
  13. indicaivy

    Out door plant

    She looks sativa...what ya got going on there...aahhhh to have the west coast babies are just now getting around to birthing their third set of leaves but then again I don't have that california should start a journal and keep us up to date on the lil lady! good Luck! Ivy
  14. indicaivy

    What does errone play when they're high(video games)

    :oops: can't believe I am even admitting this, but's any of the grand theft autos for me!! Ivy
  15. indicaivy

    Medical Marijuana

    Most of the medical marijuana strains are the same as you and I can get or grow. Most medical plants are high in thc but low in cbn. In other words it's still the high but mostly for the nausea, chronic pain, etc.but without the drowsiness and other negative side effects. Ivy
  16. indicaivy

    Male Female

    You won't know til you have them on 12/12. Ivy
  17. indicaivy

    Welcome New Members!

    Well, I'm indicaivy , hello to everyone :) I'm a 38 year old mother of five and have been growing for the past six years or so. I have done outdoor and a few indoor, I find it safer to do outdoor so my babies don't know what's going on. I grow for my own personal stash and for my mother, never...
  18. indicaivy

    Does the smell....

    It depends alot on the strain that you are wanting to grow. Most of mine you can't really smell until you get right up on skunk however is another thing:mrgreen: Ivy
  19. indicaivy


    Just space them out. I have that damn chopper overhead here every season and every time I'm freaking out and pissing my pants :) I grow mine along with alot of brush that keeps them covered, I keep them spaced out and always tie them down if they get too tall. I usually end up growing about...
  20. indicaivy

    first out door grow

    Anyone dealing with outside grows will have these problems..Those Aphids and grasshoppers were a bitch on my girls last year..the squirrels never seem to give me any trouble. It's the insects that will be your biggest problem, but that may depend on w hat kind of season it has been all around in...