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  1. Roflicer

    Which extention cord should I use for a 1500 watt portable heater

    Um what? He said 1500 watts...a standard extention cord from any home improvement store can hand 1875 watts. I have a 1500 heater hooked up to an extention cord thats then connected to a wall socket and havent seen a single issue
  2. Roflicer

    Stunted growth or something?

    Plant is one month old, I had an issue where it looked like a seedling and had next to no growth for like 2 weeks and then I figured out what the issue was and fixed it then they started growing quickly but this plant stopped getting taller and is turning into like a little bush lol. It had...
  3. Roflicer

    Not sure if Calyx or Hermied plant.

    Maybe I have down syndrome, but arent those seeds that are starting?
  4. Roflicer

    WHAT THE EFF?!! Check out this order from Attitude.

    Because of this thread I now plan on using attitude instead of nirvana as my main supplier. Just finished reading through the thread, something is flagging those packages, and im assuming its the vials getting picked up on xray. Nirvana always send them in like a container of mints, or in a...
  5. Roflicer

    4x4x7 grow tent 6in intake fan question

    repped, thanks
  6. Roflicer

    4x4x7 grow tent 6in intake fan question

    but its a grow tent and its all sealed, seems like I would need something to pull air in from the outside, or you saying the negative pressure will pull air in from the gaps and stuff?
  7. Roflicer

    4x4x7 grow tent 6in intake fan question

    Should I just get another for outtake, and if so what do I do with the one I have in the mean time? use it as intake?
  8. Roflicer

    plants vegging on a 16-8

    I had been doing 16-8 for prob a week to 2 weeks.
  9. Roflicer

    plants vegging on a 16-8

    How bad did this mess up my plants? Dog must have messed with my timer or something buy yeah it was on about a 16-8 and just curious how bad this jacks it up
  10. Roflicer

    Ugh- trashing first grow and attempting again, need suggestions

    I dont give a fuck about my electric bill. Ok so I have an hps bulb is that bad or something? I remember it was suppose to be the best, I just ordered a propagator for starting then im going to transpant into the growtent. So whats the size of your clones, and im assuming once you trim a plant...
  11. Roflicer

    Ugh- trashing first grow and attempting again, need suggestions

    HID? whats that? I have a 600w HPS and nothing else, i was told to start them under cfls for 2 weeks then move them under the 600w But I don't have the cfls for them so I need to know examples of what to buy, I have an inline fan incoming which I didnt have for the grow I just attempted.
  12. Roflicer

    1 month old plants look 1 week old, and turning yellow and dying

    Yeah they are Nirvana white widow, I heard nothing but amazing things about them before but recently I heard they sell bad batchs idno. I just changed it to roots organic 707, so yall are saying I should just buy some ocean forest and use just that and nothing else for like the first month?
  13. Roflicer

    Ugh- trashing first grow and attempting again, need suggestions

    I am going to do the plants in 5-8 plants per group. So CFL for that. And yeah after I sell everything off all of the profit is going into building bigger and better things. Hilarious part though, I know a guy who sells drilling equipment and on his property he has like 30 train carts that just...
  14. Roflicer

    Ugh- trashing first grow and attempting again, need suggestions

    Ok soil covered, how about lights and propagator?
  15. Roflicer

    Ugh- trashing first grow and attempting again, need suggestions

    Germing isnt a problem i use the pt method and it works almost 100% every time for me. And can you link me the exact kind of lights you're talking about?
  16. Roflicer

    Ugh- trashing first grow and attempting again, need suggestions

    I just wasted 5 white widows due to either a shitty light or poor choice in soil, either way i wasted an entire grow and attempted again. So what its been made obvious to me is I need 3 things. CFL lights for the first 2 weeks a propagator and a good starter soil (when do i switch soils...
  17. Roflicer

    1 month old plants look 1 week old, and turning yellow and dying

    I just put them in the big pots and watered it once because i figured it would take forever to dry. Can you link some cfls to buy? and i mean good ones not shit, and yeah i started my other 5 seeds germing but im going to still keep those plants in there to see if something will come of them...
  18. Roflicer

    1 month old plants look 1 week old, and turning yellow and dying

    I find that very naive of you to suggest, I have read incredible amounts, asked many questions, been a member for over a year. I checked all my basis according to some pretty experienced people the lumens a house light gives off was more than enough for the plants starting out. Obviously it...
  19. Roflicer

    1 month old plants look 1 week old, and turning yellow and dying

    No I didnt compact the soil, but when I took them out of the cups the soil was kinda packed but I didnt do anything myself, I used regular outside dirt mixed with miracle grow potting soil. And I use water from water bottles, and I dont feed them anything.