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  1. Roflicer

    Which fan should I get for my grow tent?

    This one any good?
  2. Roflicer

    Which fan should I get for my grow tent? Only one I could find and only does like 335 cfm
  3. Roflicer

    Which fan should I get for my grow tent?

    Still waiting for some links lol
  4. Roflicer

    First grow from clones, may the weed gods bless me.....

    Checking in for this one, I just started my first grow to. Nice chunk of change to drop for a first grow btw. Im beginning with 5 plants, as soon as I think I got the swing of it, building either a 10x10, or 20x15 grow room in my barn. Anyways happy growing!
  5. Roflicer

    Mature "Female" Hermaphrodite. Do I Chop??

    And that was the last time anyone ever heard from BigFlats
  6. Roflicer

    My Setup ..:: What am I doing right/wrong ::..

    Oh wow I definately need to get a new one then, but I need to find something on the USA ebay, shipping cost for something across the pond would be very expensive and take a very long time haha. Struggling finding a cost effective one on QQ they seem to be 200-300 bucks for a damn fan...
  7. Roflicer

    Which fan should I get for my grow tent?

    Ah I would hate for it to burn out
  8. Roflicer

    Which fan should I get for my grow tent?

    6 inch openings. I am currently using And have been notified that it wont be enough for my 4x4x7 grow tent. So can someone link a good fan that isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg to purchase? Also is this a good clip...
  9. Roflicer

    My Setup ..:: What am I doing right/wrong ::..

    Thats a 8in and the holes in my tent are 6in, how does I use that? I think imma go with the 6 inch one for now then when I build the other room ill buy the other for that room? SOUND LIKE A PLAN STAN!?
  10. Roflicer

    My Setup ..:: What am I doing right/wrong ::..

    Yeah I already claimed the return, its only like 25 bucks but oh well better than nothing. Btw you linked the same link twice. Did you mean to do that? edit: just fount out I have to pay 12 bucks for the return shipping, ill just keep it, it does like 240 cm or whateves im sure I will find a...
  11. Roflicer

    My Setup ..:: What am I doing right/wrong ::..

    Time to go amazon diving
  12. Roflicer

    My Setup ..:: What am I doing right/wrong ::..

    Can you link a fan I should buy? And so should I return the one I linked?
  13. Roflicer

    My Setup ..:: What am I doing right/wrong ::..

    so should I just take the intake...and turn it around lol?
  14. Roflicer

    My Setup ..:: What am I doing right/wrong ::..

    What do you mean "Ya fan is a booster"? I'm not too familiar with the lingo haha Also what exactly should I get to help with ventilation?
  15. Roflicer

    My Setup ..:: What am I doing right/wrong ::..

    This is the exact fan I have and I am using it as an exhaust, I dont have direct pictures of the fan it selfs, but I have the picture of the hole the fan is in, and you see cables running out of it. Also, is this what...
  16. Roflicer

    BUD PORN! Crystals Galore!

    Can I see the buds after they are dried and shit? I havent ever gotten that far but I heard they all (except the white strains) pretty much look the same dry. I don't smoke so idno, I just grow because WHY THE FUCK NOT NOMSAYIN? Also when I saw all the sparkly white awesomeness my mind started...
  17. Roflicer

    My Setup ..:: What am I doing right/wrong ::..

    I appreciate all the fantastic advice and let me clear somethings up. The "intake" fan I am actually using as exhaust thats why there is a duct on it, so you're saying I should be the exhaust to the top? I actually have 2 themometers in there, the one handing from the time, and the white...
  18. Roflicer

    My first indoor grow! Need advice / pointers

    I don't want to create a second thread of the exact same content but the users in this forum section are peoples opinions I would like to have so I would like to redirect you to the original post here: All advice is very...
  19. Roflicer

    Stunted growth or something?

    I know they look good, but its been that same height for a week now just getting incredibly bushy, I thought they were suppose to grow like an inch a day or something lol. Watch one thing I did notice with when they were stuck at like 2 inches and literally looked like seedings for almost 3...
  20. Roflicer

    My Setup ..:: What am I doing right/wrong ::..

    This is my very first set up, I read a bunch of threads, searched a bunch of topics, and decided to pull out my wallet, jump balls deep and learn from error. So equipment Main tent: 4X4X7 Grow Tent 600w HPS bulb Wing hood 1875w ballast and some shit 15 dollar box walmart fan...