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  1. Genosyde

    Hows she looking guys?

    bump! imma have more pics tonight! the lights go on 1:30 am central time just watered the bitch so it should be looking nice and right before she went to sleep is when she got it. shes gonna suck that shit up really good. then i will treat her with a nice mist but not too much, where can i get...
  2. Genosyde

    200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

    thanks man, i really appreciate your support! ill update soon..
  3. Genosyde

    200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

    shit, they are just starting to bud. and the strain must be high sativa. i feel it in my bones, cuz its moving way slower than my other plant. its done its stretching. but now its gonna fucking flourish for sure. 3 weeks+ the sheer size of it would have alot to do with that i would think.
  4. Genosyde

    200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics

    most of the bending i just adjusted it to the lights so that they wouldnt burn , then at one time i moved the main stem to hard and it snapped near the top :dunce: its healing veeeery well though and that just leads me to beleive that it is very strong, and can handle a little damage. just like...
  5. Genosyde

    10 23w 2700k CFL 2 40w 3000k t12

    its enough, everybody is just being picky. grow with what you got. you will know if you gotta green thumb if they need something better or something needs to be different. dont just go off of people off here cuz they are limited to what they know about the plants. u know them better then we do...
  6. Genosyde

    Going to start Flowering with 12 cfls and 4 t12's

    shiiiiiiiet thats MORE then enough light. in this case (and this is the only time i would say this) get a fucking high pressure sodium and return all that shit....fa real, wattage/lumen wise, u dont even need all that...
  7. Genosyde

    25 days veg under CFL, how does it look?

    dude your shit looks soooooo much like my plant. its def high sativa i can tell you that much, the only difference is in how we grew it but it really does look like the same strain/type. cept mine i have the ability to grow bigger and pinching the plant so thats why it looks the way it does. but...
  8. Genosyde

    the little bbeast dick plant :)

    ill tell you this, chances are, you have a female, but you need a few things. 1- more light 2-better soil 3- more light 4- nutrients 5-more light + a bigger pot *edit* you might just need the shit closer to the light and have it in a bigger pot, pot size i think is the reason why it is so...
  9. Genosyde

    new to the boards huh? glad u appreciate my a cop?

    new to the boards huh? glad u appreciate my a cop?
  10. Genosyde

    First time indoor kush cfls/sunlight

    what? u say u should buy mylar but it reflects less light? lol this person is hiiiiiiigghhh bongsmilie:eyesmoke::lol: hahaha if you cant afford mylar get some fire emergency blankets if not that then get some windshield reflectors u can find then in a dollar store get a few and cut them up for...
  11. Genosyde

    First time indoor kush cfls/sunlight

    yea reflection is important, but thats the least of your worries now, you need to transplant asap. if you want a good amount of bud put them in at least a 1 -2 gallon container! in flowering they grow roots like crazy and need a good amount of phosphorous and potash during the flowering process...
  12. Genosyde

    Hows she looking guys?

    im sorry but i would appreciate if you read my thread first, those ones stretching in the lil mock pc grow (which didnt last long) was just an example to see the amount of shit my plant had to go through before i actually got her in a decent environment and came out to a fucking monster. no hard...
  13. Genosyde

    Hows she looking guys?

    yea man i feel that, i get jealous when i see dudes into it 2 weeks and have that shit cresting and starting to form buds, but then i think, its all strain. they might have buds early but my sativa might be more potent u know what i mean? percolating and whatnot to form some nice hefty buds. she...
  14. Genosyde

    Hows she looking guys?

    honestly dude, id say another 8 weeks or more. once i get my extra 100 watts of lights in there that might change though, i havent watered her for a few days now, tryna get her all dried up and ready for that next quenching drink. im pretty sure shes high sativa, sativas take WEEKS to form buds...
  15. Genosyde

    Hows she looking guys?

  16. Genosyde

    Hows she looking guys?

    are you commenting on those babies? cuz that was just an example of what my girl was looking like months ago, if u look at those pics and see the one that was really stretched, thats her months later in the top pics, she is doing very well now, read the thread before you post!!!
  17. Genosyde

    Hows she looking guys?

    224 watts total, shit i vegged the bitch for quite a long time, its hard to explain but she went under alot of stress before i got her in the proper environment so i cant really tell you how long but a good estimate would be vegged for 8 weeks and switched 12/12 like 3 weeks and some change ago...
  18. Genosyde

    Hows she looking guys?

    thanks man, i actually haven't used reflectors the entire grow, just got some windsheild reflectors in there with a thick white shower curtain over the front with a nice big peice of cardboard covering the whole front so no light gets in.
  19. Genosyde

    Hows she looking guys?

    this damn bitch wont stop growing!!! shes been on the flowering cycle for a while, sloooowly :sleep: beginning to take off. shes not stretching much anymore but godamn did she bush out! also i plan on going with another extra hundred watts of cfl around the plant, now should i do this with 1 26...