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  1. Genosyde

    25 days veg under CFL, how does it look?

    hahaha :clap: this is what the answer would be to your question blakkmask...
  2. Genosyde

    200w CFL Closet Grow!

    plant looks fantastic good job
  3. Genosyde

    Maturing and Harvest Time?

    nice fat cola top, sweeet:weed:
  4. Genosyde

    1 Week Til Flowering I think 2 need to go....Thoughts?

    man flower all, take out the males, flower the females full strength, that thats it. as far as lighting goes, put what you would consider enough light. if you dont have temp probs, your golden. just make sure in your whole venting process they get enough humidity
  5. Genosyde

    PC Grow

    take all that dead leaf off your buds, it makes them look ugly
  6. Genosyde

    Micro Medical Cab Bag seed 125W CFL - Lots of pics

    tripsick + rep you are a fucking good grower and i hope to see another grow from you
  7. Genosyde

    Lights of all sorts!

    wtf is wrong with you dude? all you do is make nursery rhyme comments to people, you better be dying of cancer since your medicinal otherwise, start growing or get the fuck off the cfl grow forum
  8. Genosyde

    How Do these look

    duuhhh a stupid is as stupid duz...logically speaking the shit is too much bent up top, bend it lower to get best results, otherwise you will be bending the whole grow seriously, bend at the base, and get multiple tops not one main top and the rest off that, thats the whole point of lst to have...
  9. Genosyde

    25 days veg under CFL, how does it look?

    your plant is looking like mine, hairs growing out of the tops, in one more week, expect an ready i know i am :)
  10. Genosyde

    reflective material?

    looks like a windsheild reflector will work just fine...kudos
  11. Genosyde

    CFL Grow setup "Banana OG"

    by the by din'e, your grow looks excellent to me, very fine grow.
  12. Genosyde

    CFL Grow setup "Banana OG"

    man, the dude is using 2700 cfls red spectrum, thats how the lights look! compare a daylight with a softwhite, completely different spectrum. red will get your plants flowering, and then come the buds.
  13. Genosyde

    Plants Burning - Advise Needed

    AHHHHH, now i understand a heat rising issue, best bet would be to put a portable a/c in that attic. and get a good amount of ventilation going out, with those two things you will be fine as could be. and to say the heat is not coming from the lights is not true, its adding to the heat you...
  14. Genosyde

    Darn Tube Type CFLS

    dude if your gonna go tube flourescent, might as well go with t5 shoplights, they WORK, and imho work much better than cfls, and you can easily do an sog with them....i would never mess with tube cfls unless i had them laying around the house, and i deny buying online, you dont know what your...
  15. Genosyde

    Plants Burning - Advise Needed

    your plant isnt shocked, its just suffering too much heat stress.... good thinking with the ice jug wooly, you always have such cool ideas, but me being the one to come in and say OR lol you can just take down some lights maybe? your talking 12 -15 42 watt cfls? thats 630 watts of light, you...
  16. Genosyde

    How Do these look

    prolly cuz u got it bent at a 90 degree angle lol
  17. Genosyde

    200w CFL Closet Grow!

    best thing to do would be to head to the hardware store or walmart and pick up some dual socket connections which run about 2 bucks each, that way if u get some 42 watt softwhite you can put 2 on each side of the plant and 2 on top, unless you buy one extra for each dual socket and turn it into...
  18. Genosyde

    New to cfl what do u think

    looks pretty good, but i would definitely repot those girls soon
  19. Genosyde

    How Do these look

    the first one looks great, the second one looks like it could be tied down a little bit closer to the main stalk just my opinion, they look pretty good though
  20. Genosyde

    Sunlight VS CFLs - What is it gonna be ?

    ive got a seedling in my flowering space on 12/12 its growing pretty nice considering its only a few days old. i have a nice size plant in there already, this is just to see what i can yeild from a plant 12/12 from seed, got it in a 32 oz mickey d cup right now, might move it into my 1 gallon...