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  1. Fwish

    Is the pot my plant is in large enough for flowering?

    i believe its a 2.5 - 3.5 gallon pot but i was planning on moving her to a 10 gallon because i read that 1gallon = 1 ft even though she's already 20" tall in this pot and still growing. P.S. I'll be putting her outside in the next pot.
  2. Fwish

    How much darkness to induce flowering

    I actualy have 2 questions, 1. I'm going to transplant my baby into a 10 gallon pot tomorrow, and then i believe friday i will send her into flowering is this an adequite amount of time to wait after transplanting i don't want her to be stressed from it still 2. How many hours of darkness is...
  3. Fwish

    Free nutes?

    Create an organic compost pile. mmmm Dem nutes
  4. Fwish

    Thunderstorms - AKA - Your best friend.

    Had my plants sitting near a window last night during the dark period, got woken up at 5:00 am ish to an enourmous thunderstorm, What few know is that during a thunderstorm large amounts of nitrogen in the air is released and plants can directly absorb it and it promotes incredible growth, I...
  5. Fwish

    How's she lookin! 6 weeks into veg.... I think.. Also HELP - 1 question.

    This is my california special 6 weeks into veg in a 2gallon pot Also HELP. Something i've recently noticed (past 2 days) The edges and tips of her leaves are Bright green, She doesn't seem to be suffering i tried to look up this as a deficiency and found nothing, Picture below.
  6. Fwish

    Answer My Question?

    Start inside, Seedlings are like babies, They can't take the cold. Buy like 3 CFLS and let em grow under those for 2 weeks
  7. Fwish

    FOUND, An odorless strain while growing.

    My cali special in veg in my closet is stinkin up my room, this one has 0 smell with my nose pressed up against it. Nothing, As for anyone saying anything about it, its said at chopping time to have a grapefruity smell
  8. Fwish

    FOUND, An odorless strain while growing.

    I've been growing my Pure AK auto i bought off the-single-seed-centre even though i fucked up the lighting she's growing beautifully , small, but beautifully She's i'm guessing 3 - 4 weeks into flower, I really don't know when she switched she's 15" tall and has NO smell. None what so ever, Just...
  9. Fwish

    can anyone answer this question?

    Don't cut lower nodes! You're supposed to TOP her by taker her head off and promoting 2 new main colas to grow!
  10. Fwish

    Diminishing returns and maximum veg time.

    Cfl, but putting her outdoors at the end of may
  11. Fwish

    Diminishing returns and maximum veg time.

    My plant i may be soon sending into flowering is roughly 1 month 1 week old (Maybe) ( i got high and lost track somewhere along the line) But either way she's 14 inches tall right now and super bushy growth just flying outa everywhere topped her and everything. What i'm wondering is, Is there...
  12. Fwish

    The growth of marijuana and the pots its growing in.

    The lighting is roughly 13 / 11 where i live atm, When put outside the max it will get will be 14 / 10, but i don't believe that will put it back into veg, Also i'm putting it in flower before hand because it's still a tad too cold outside, had a frost 2 nights ago. Also i think in 2 weeks it...
  13. Fwish

    The growth of marijuana and the pots its growing in.

    I can't find an answer to this question. Does marijuana (Just like goldfish) have the potential to increase in size according to the container it is in? I'm about to transplant my 1.5' plant into a 50 gallon container , Send her into flower indoors and 2 weeks later put her outdoors, Will she...
  14. Fwish

    Safe pest repellent to use on outdoor Marijuana.

    I'm planning on putting my baby outside in 1 - 2 weeks. I need some type of safe bug repellant i can use on her, Ideas?
  15. Fwish

    the worst part of any growers day.

    Brother, Atleast save some of the nut sacks, dry em and freeze so when you want seeds you can pollenate the a female in the future crossing genes and not needing to buy more seeds,
  16. Fwish

    Stress in Vegetative stage.

    Can stress in vegetative stage lead to a plant that is hermi when you decide to transfer it to 12 / 12 or is it only stress / light leaks ect... in flowering that doesi t?
  17. Fwish

    Changing an autoflowers ammount of light mid- flower

    My autoflower has gone into flowering, little white hairs are popping out of everywhere, but one thing is incorrect is what i'm doing i've had here on 12 /12 in the window from week 4 to now which is roughly 5 weeks later, she's only a foot tall in flower, i know iknow. should be on 18 /6 20 / 4...
  18. Fwish

    Saving male pollen sacks.

    Is it possible to save and store a males pollen sacks before you chop them down for maybe lets say you want to pollenate a plant in the future because you want seeds from it?
  19. Fwish

    first grow just want to get some ideas

    No idea about the shake and feed. Next time you finish a gallon of milk don't throw out the jug fill it with tap water and let is sit for atleast 24 hours, you do NOT want to water your plants with just tap water. other than that, they're lookin good.
  20. Fwish

    Where will i see first signs of flower?

    White hairs coming out of the tops of branches / your main stem and eache node with little leaves in between. Google it man Heres a pic of mine notice the tiny white hairs.