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    Question on topping off res tank for ebbflow system.

    Somebody surely can tell me how often to top off the tank. I have heard before, but I do not remember at all.:?:
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    Question on topping off res tank for ebbflow system.

    I flooded my 3' x 3' ebb flow system yesterday for the first time. I have clones and they are all young. I was wondering how often or much do I top off the tank with plain PHed water? Everyday? Looking at the PH meter last night the PH has stayed the same and so have PPMs so far. I am using...
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    Question on Bubbles in Res tank. Effect PH and PPM reading

    I have 3 air stones in my res tank and I have a Hanna Grocheck PH and PPM meter. Does having bubbles in the water mess up the readings of the PH meter or PPM. I would not think so. my friend has some in his tank and his plants are fine. Just making sure. Thanks
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    Alarm Systems and Grows

    Good info man. I have an alarm in my house and I am growing in my closet. I have a lock on the door of the closet too. I do not set the alarm during the day while I am at work incase it does somehow go off and the police are called. I just use the alarm at night time so I can sleep better...
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    GH Nutes: How long should I let them be in water before I PH

    I just mixed my nutes in water and wondering how long I should wait until PH my water.I have heard that I should wait a while so the PH buffers can kick in? HOw long do you GH users wait?? Thanks
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    What is your PPM schedule for GH flora Nutes?? I need help

    What is your PPMs that you use for the flora nutes? I have grow, micro, bloom, and, kool bloom and floralisioius plus. Like the PPM for week 1,2,3,4,5 and so on. Thanks alot! I am using a ebb flow system
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    Question on GH flora nutrients the GH calculater. Whats your PPM schedule?

    Can anybody else tell me their PPM schedule for their grow with GH nutes???????
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    Question on GH flora nutrients the GH calculater. Whats your PPM schedule?

    So you are saying I should start at 500 the second week and then 700 the third? and then up to around a or 900 until I flower? I will be using kool bloom too.
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    Question on GH flora nutrients the GH calculater. Whats your PPM schedule?

    I have a question on these nutrients from people that use them. I have 23 clones that are rooting right now and I have will be putting them in my ebb & flow hydro system in a week. I just went to the calculater. for my 25 gallon res tank. it said I would be starting them at 440 ppm for the first...
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    Anybody have experience with these two 24-7 PH meters?

    I am looking at getting one of these two meters for my hydro system. My clones are almost rooted. I was wondering if anybody has experience with these two meters or knows which is better quality. The Control Wizard 24-7 meter or this Hanna meter.I posted this in the Hydro section and did not get...
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    Anybody have experience with these two 24-7 PH meters?

    I am looking at getting one of these two meters for my hydro system. My clones are almost rooted. I was wondering if anybody has experience with these two meters or knows which is better quality. The Control Wizard 24-7 meter or this Hanna meter. Thanks here are the 2:confused: links...
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    Do I need any nutes for my clones while they are rooting in bubbler??

    How often do you spray them with the mix. Just once? and the rest of the time just with plain water. Thanks roseman.
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    Do I need any nutes for my clones while they are rooting in bubbler??

    I have clones that are rooting in bubbler that I made (no roots yet), they have been in there for 2 days. They all look great so far. I have them in PHed water. Are you supposed to feed them any nutes while they are rooting. Meaning do I put any in the water or do I foliar feed them anything...
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    The High-Potency Marijuana Sentencing Enhancement Act of 2009!WTF

    The more potent it is..they less you have to smoke. It gay how they can sell 100% alchol content liquer which can kill a person if they drink to much.
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    How far do you put the stem down in a bubble cloner.

    I just bought all the parts. I am going to put them in neoprene foam circles. When I put the stems in the foam, how much of the stem goes below the water or how do I keep it above the water???? Thanks
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    How far do you put the stem down in a bubble cloner.

    I am getting ready to make a bubble cloner and am not sure how far or much of the stem goes in the water below? Thanks