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  1. S

    Aerogarden Pro 200 First Grow!. Advice!

    Plants are looking nice. I use the fox farm nutes and filtered water and found I have very little PH problems. I have found using 1/2 the reccomended amount works best. Upping it resulted in nute burn for me. Good luck!!
  2. S

    My 2nd AeroGarden Grow

    I've kept my pump on and I'm into my 3rd grow and I've only had 1 plant get stem rot. By the placement of it, I figured it was the sponges too. BUT, here's my question.....I thought the pump running was to feed the roots oxygen??? Am I wrong about that?
  3. S

    WC OG Kush & Bubba Kush GROW

    AWWW, SICC....too bad. :cry: I'm thinking you'll still have a decent yield, although not as much as you hoped for. But, who ever gets as much as they hope for?!?
  4. S

    My 2nd AeroGarden Grow

    I agree, those pics make it a whole lot easier to see exactly where to snip. Thanks, Alex! :peace:
  5. S

    So. CA MMJ Patient About to Embark on First Grow

    Happy Mother's Day, Kat!!
  6. S

    My 2nd AeroGarden Grow

    Looking good, Alex!! Nice and green with pretty white roots. I still LOVE the mylar on the resivoir. It just makes sense it would help light up those lower buds. I'm definitely going to try that.
  7. S

    AG - Round 2

    Damn, I HATE when I double post!!!!
  8. S

    AG - Round 2

    Sorry to hear about the's disappointing after all the love you give 'em!! Good luck this grow
  9. S

    AG - Round 2

    Sorry to hear about the's disappointing after all the love you give 'em!! Good luck this grow:peace:
  10. S

    WC OG Kush & Bubba Kush GROW

    WOW!! Looking nice, SICC! Thanks for doing the update. Now I know I gotta be patient and based on the size of yours, I got about 6 more weeks to go:( Oh well, they'll be ready when they're ready! Hope you catch lots of fish!!
  11. S

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Yeah, just likeZelda, that's the reaction I usually get...hahaha! However, the reaction to these girls seems to be a little different!?! When I took the pics we just started our 5th week. I'm figuring about 4 more?!?
  12. S

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Yep!! Nice, hairy Mother Nature intended!
  13. S

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Hairy....just like Mother Nature intended lady's to be...hahaha!
  14. S

    So. CA MMJ Patient About to Embark on First Grow

    Believe it or not, I've never heard of the spoon theory....but I'm gonna look it up when I pull myself away from this site, LOL! We've been down the med routes ourselves and my hubby said alot of the side affects are worse than the symptoms:cry: MJ is what helps the most with NO side affects...
  15. S

    My 2nd AeroGarden Grow

    Glad to hear it!! Now, let's hope for some girls!!!
  16. S

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    Got some pics of my buds!!:joint:
  17. S

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    What beauties!!! :weed: Have you topped them, per chance? I know that some people prefer not to top or do anything "unnatural" but topping/pruning is done all the time in farms/orchards.... not only controls the height a lot, but also makes 'em bushy and allows for more lower growth development...
  18. S

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    TEK!!! I did not see until now you started another thread. In my opinion, you are one of the pioneers in the world AG growers!! On behalf of the AG growers, I must thank you for your hard work and research :hug: I use the FF trio and it IS available on line, just google Fox Farm. Also, lots of...
  19. S

    So. CA MMJ Patient About to Embark on First Grow

    Looks great, Kat!! I'm rooting for that 2oz + per plant. Glad you got yourself something to keep you occupied while T is gone!! Enjoy the 2 weeks R&R! I wish you all the best! My hubby has MS and it robs him of alot of energy and watching him doing his best to get around and do the daily things...
  20. S

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    HAHAHAHA!! I told you they sold this shit at Bed, Bath & Beyond....and you probably thought it was a "chick store". Anyways, I've used both sponges and actually prefer the green ones, I think...the jury is still out. I did take a round toothpick and poked a hole through the entire length of the...