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  1. M

    Banshee Box - Second Grow

    16day Update: The soil I used from the last grow is very airy(?) but I just get a bad feeling about it. So when I transplant to the bigger pots I'm going to used MG moisture control as per some guy that keeps raving about on the fourms here. And I think with this stuff I wouldnt have to...
  2. M

    Banshee Box - Second Grow

    After the deaths of my first grow and the noise of this grow room, I thought the title was fitting. The box isnt completely finished but its working. I still need to find something cheap to replace the tinfoil walls and the whole thing needs to be sealed and the duct tape trashed. Maybe...
  3. M

    Vinegar used as Ph -

    Anyone have any experiences they would like to share??
  4. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Just wanted to post my harvest since it wasnt a total failure. I did get some smokable bud out of it. Even though its only 6 bowls or so... :blsmoke: Smoked it for fun to see if had produced anything and test out my first grow. Had a few bowls since the first didnt seem to hit me, like...
  5. M

    Vinegar used as Ph -

    Its vinegar to lower PH and baking soda to up it. It works but my plants just died and I'm trying to figure out why... Heres some gruesome photos. I've got a meter and when I fill up my tub it will go down slightly but sometimes I'll try to lower it a little more and it just wont change...
  6. M

    Vinegar used as Ph -

    I've read somewhere on here that vinegar can be used as a homemade PH down. For someone with hard water like me and a thin wallet I tried it and it brought the ph from 8ish down to 6ish with a few bottle caps. Are there and side effects or warnings to using vinegar instead of a proper ph...
  7. M

    Growing from Flower

    What, "a cutting thats sufficiently rooted"? You mean taking a cutting from a plant or taking a cutting from a flowering plant? I don't know if theres any difference but your cloning the plant you took it from. The idea is to keep females growing and the strains you want. Might have...
  8. M

    Growing from Flower

    full 24 hour light then till the roots have grown a bit then flower?
  9. M

    Growing from Flower

    Just wanted to know if its ok to start a plant on 12/12 straight from a cutting. My first grow failed and I'm trying to salvage what I can. They were in veg for 33 days and flowering for 18 I think but something happened and they are dead/dying now so I took the most green branch to clone...
  10. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Well plant are done for. I've flushed, and ruduced the heat from90-100 to 8-85 and there is no change. If you look in the pictures the stems are almost white and the leaves are green on the edges with dead brown in the centers. As I've said the temps were always 90-100 with the lights...
  11. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Yea... A pretty big and loud one too, you can see it in the first pages of the journal. The material I used to reflect light in the tub box was insulation and the room was so small the heat just didn't move for some reason. It didn't help that it wasn't getting much fresh air in the closet...
  12. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Thanks for the responses. The plants have alway been in 90-100 degree temps with the lights on its just this past day something fell over the intake hole and I think it got too hot. Or maybe they have finally had enough of the heat. Lately when I have been watering its been every other day...
  13. M

    Dead, fragile looking plants...

    Out of the 3 I was growing, 2 were females and I've been feeding them every other day it seems. The temps are very hot which I'm trying to fix with the new grow room. When they started to look like this I forgot to water em so they went without water for 3-4 days. I'm hoping thats the only...
  14. M

    Dead, fragile looking plants...

    Thats why I'm here, to get info to help them grow healthy and then I'll chop off their heads and smoke em. :mrgreen: I'd like to believe the whole "grow it as a weed" thing but I never had any luck with growing ANYTHING. And I try to make sure I do everything right and I've had problems pop...
  15. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    I'm in the process of building a new grow room. Just need to cut a few things and it will be ready. hopefully the temps will go way down but the plants have done pretty well while they were in veg with same/higher temps. Any thoughts on whats going on? It seems so drastic... the changes...
  16. M

    Dead, fragile looking plants...

    :blsmoke: Hope someone that knows whats going can chime in. Heres the run down... Plants were starved of water for about 1-2 days. When they were fed they looked something like the photos above with the yellowing and the drooping. Fed em with ph'd water and after an hour or so up light...
  17. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Running behind on the pix. These were taken at 14 days. Plants look way worse today. I noticed yesterday the plants were too dry so I water pretty good and noticed some yellowing again. Few hours of light and they all pirked up. They are still very thin but they looked healthy besides...
  18. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Thanks JESSE! The leaves could be more full but I'am happy so far. At least they are alive. I'll post up some pictures tonight. Also, a quick update: 2 of the 3 are females the other was a Hermie! :spew:
  19. M

    lightproof ? intake?

    its genetics... not how you were raised. lol Anyway, allot of things seem stupid to you. Just trying to help you out with what I've learned. Its not like I said tape the door shut or anything where your doors would become useless. I mean, what are you looking for?? If you don't want to seal...
  20. M

    lightproof ? intake?

    Hmm... deal with the light leak then?? :dunce: