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  1. M

    Re-Vamped my closet,for 2nd grow

    All that weight on the hood doesnt mess up the alignment? BTW did that fan come with the hood or you get that somewhere? Pretty sweet setup though. I like the sheetmetal attached to the fan :mrgreen: I did the same thing but its super loud so I'm looking for something more quiet.
  2. M

    lightproof ? intake?

    Now that I see what your room looks like. CABNET What I would do is head over to the garden center and pick up some garden gutter guard. You know the stuff that keeps your grass from growing into your garden... Thin, black plastic and tape it to the doors so when its close it seals the room...
  3. M

    Small crop done for?

    Whats it look like when they pop? Like a split open seed or a blooming flower?
  4. M

    Small crop done for?

    Few days ago I was celebrating 3 out of 3 plants that were females. Seen the pistils and didn't give it anymore thought. 2 days later I seen that one of the plants looked a little different... Plants have been in flowering stage for exactly 14day side by side. Do you think he pollinated...
  5. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Good news / Bad news Good news, all 3 plants are female! Bad news, I have about 2 inches left of room in my grow box for the plants to grow. Working on a adjustable shelving system this week and hopefully before the plants grow into the lights. Pics soon.
  6. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Update: The yellowing has faded. They were flushed and given Mg to get rid of the yellowing of the top leaves. 11 Days in flowering and only one confirmed female. Of the 3 plants I started I THINK the other 2 are males but its still too early to tell. The area is so small right now it...
  7. M

    too hot in closet

    nice little setup typex! But how noisy is it with that blower?
  8. M

    Yellowing on new growth

    Good deal. I'll try that tonight. And yeah I am using tap water but its got that britta filter on it. Also when I flushed the plants I used vinegar to bring the ph down to 6.8ish. Heard that works and it did bring it down from 8. Thanks for walking me through natmoon and everyone else...
  9. M

    Yellowing on new growth

    Yeah, yeah. Its just the older leaves are turning yellow now. Which isn't "new growth" it WAS green... If you look at the 2 photos you'll see what I mean.
  10. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    2nd day into flower. They are small but I'm running out of time and need to finish this up for now. Was told from another thread that the yellowing is normal... So I flushed it and just let it go. Here a pic 3 days later. If you got any tips let me know. Not sure if its normal or if...
  11. M

    Yellowing on new growth

    Lookin normal?? I don't think so. 3 days later and the yellowing is still there. The yellowing on the half green half yellow leaves from before are now almost completely yellow. Think I should be adding some epsom salt? At least they are growing now.
  12. M

    too hot in closet

    Get some fresh air in there. It will probably help more than a stronger fan would. I have a pretty small room but I'm using CFL's and my temps get to 90max on hot days. With a closet grow if all the box is getting is closet air your recirculating used/hot air.
  13. M

    Yellowing on new growth

    Well when I mean they're not growing I mean they have stopped growing in the past day or two. I peak in every day to move the lights and check out the growth. If you look at a few of the older growth you'll see charred fan leaves, thats from them growing into the lights. They did shoot up...
  14. M

    Yellowing on new growth

    Third day in flower(yes they are small plants). Whats the problem? Before I flushed the plants the ph of the soil was at or over 8. So I flushed them with 6.8ph vinegar water but the plants arnt growing and the yellowing is still there just not as bright. Will the yellow disappear or will...
  15. M

    Makeshift ventilation fan...

    Haha, thats funny. I did the same thing but hooked a filter up to it. Fan is in the big part. Works well but its a little loud.
  16. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Thanks I'll look into that bat shit. Where can I find guano and the tea? Each plant has almost 4000 lumen's each, all within inches of the tops of the plants. 1 red light and one blue.
  17. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Well 31 days now in veg. They seem pretty small compared to some I've seen. What am I doing wrong? Is a reflector that important with a small reflective room? That's all I can think it would be. Theres only 2 light bulbs on each really... gonna be bringing them to flower soon even if...
  18. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Smell got too bad so now I've realized my stealth grow is no more... Overkill but it did the trick. Below is what is inside. lol No pics of the plants since the camera is charging but they are growing so fast everyday they grow into the lighting and burn a few leaves. :( My future plans...
  19. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Day 24 Thanks to a few people from anther thread and VV, my plants seem to be heading in the right direction. Each has spouted some wild growth from where I cut it but at least their growing. The yellowing hasn't changed but I think I have everything in order now. The fresh soil is at...
  20. M

    Nitrogen, Magnesium, or watering problem?

    As long as the nute problem is fixed my next problem is the heat. I have 6 CF lights (2000 lumen's each) in there with 4 computer fans, 2in/2out. But the temps are about 85-95 with the lights on(depends on what the house temp is at) and 80 with the lights off. I'm thinking the CFM on the...