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  1. M

    Nitrogen, Magnesium, or watering problem?

    So far the plants seem to have liked the bath. Over night the nubs at the top have sprouted and the top leaves grew into my light bulbs. I just hope the yellowing doesn't continue to spread. Will the already yellow leaves die off or will they get their normal colors back? What I did was...
  2. M

    Nitrogen, Magnesium, or watering problem?

    I guess I am. I didn't think of it like that. Thats why ph gets more acidic huh? lol I have a brown thumb man, I have an idea what needs to be done but I really am just playing everything by ear. If I can make a few crops on the side I can save some cash so thats all I'm really going on...
  3. M

    Nitrogen, Magnesium, or watering problem?

    I'll take your advice and flush it but the light green/yellow appeared before I even started fertilizing thats why I added it. And even then I only added a small amount since my plan was to wait a little longer to fert. I'm using a fish emulsion and epsom salt mix now to try and fix it.
  4. M

    Nitrogen, Magnesium, or watering problem?

    I've looked at the FAQ and cant figured out the difference between the symptoms. Its been in the soil since a seedling and its at 18days now. The leaves started to show a little yellow so when I topped the plant I also fed it a diluted 20/20/20 mix thinking it just needed more nutrients since...
  5. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Day 18 Not too good... I'm not sure if its a nitrogen or a magnesium deficiency or maybe even over watering?? I've gone ahead and put together a fish emulsion & Epsom salt mix to use at every watering. Hopefully it will knock it out and let the new life grow healthy. If you know better...
  6. M

    Using compact fluorescents to flower?

    One plant, one massive light. Thats allot of bud. I only have 3 plants but they are in a confined space(see photo below). Either way I'm gonna have to buy a few $50 bulbs and some more fans or something to keep em cool. The beginning of plant heat stroke??? Appreciate the help.
  7. M

    Using compact fluorescents to flower?

    I have a small area where I'm growing where heat is a problem even for compact fluorescents. My temp are 80-95... But anyway, thats not the question. I cant get a straight answer so maybe I'm asking wrong. But how much lumen output would I need to grow the best CF buds I can when I flower...
  8. M

    how do i pinch or top a plant???

    The reason to top a plant is to grow more buds in flowering, correct? Since the plant will be wider and more buds will form. So how about someone who is doing LTC or TLC(lol)? Would the plant be better off without topping?? I'm confused as to what I should do in a small indoor grow room.
  9. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Little bump for me. What is a good lumen output to aim for with CFL's for flowering? I know you would want a red spectrum and allot more lumen's than in veg, but how much more? 14days(Second set of 5 leaves): This last one is the runt. Seems to be as healthy as the others but its just...
  10. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    That'd be nice but I just don't have the space or money for a nice light. Well see what they grow like but another layer sounds nice. Got any tips for hanging the light? Right now its duct taped and zip tied to a poll going from side to side. I want something a little more sturdy but I...
  11. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    I thought 12" was the minimum to start flowering? If it ends up not being enough I can add another tote in the middle. As for the rest my plan, I was just going to get four 2000 lumen bulbs for flowering. You think thats enough? I don't have the money for anything real serious like an HPS/MH.
  12. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    Maybe you all can help me out. I've looked through the site and found a thread by a guy named Breakback or Breakneck or something(sorry:-?) and got inspired to make my own little grow room. My first actual time I used an incandescent shop light and didnt know a damn thing but it did grow...