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  1. I

    LED lighting in an open space VS tent

    I ordered a couple of Galaxyhydro 600Ws for a test run - they'll be splitting the room with the remaining HPS lights for now. My gut feeling is telling me that I need to set up the room differently, but from most info I gathered (and from what you're saying) reflective walls won't help much...
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    LED lighting in an open space VS tent

    Hey guys, I'd like to give LED lights a shot. The HPS heat is a real issue for me. That AC makes the power bill crazy high!! One of my primary concerns is that I would be growing in a fairly large area that currently houses 3 1000W HPS bulbs. There are no reflectors on walls. Even if I put up...
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    SPYDRx plus Vs. Vero29 V7

    Extra $50 compared to what? Were you using HPS before? 600W? Thanks :)
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    Bud Blood Experiences

    Yet you feel good enough to participate in the discussion. Ignorance is bliss, innit? ;)
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    Bud Blood Experiences

    You must've missed the rest of my post, where I put a pretty clear disclaimer. But yeah, you do you bud.
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    Reintroducing Nitrogen in Late Bloom?

    What's a good K supplement you would recommend? This is one of those debates that doesn't seem to have a clear winner on the forums - P vs K and which to apply when in bigger doses. Some people swear by P late, others swear by K late. I really need to test this out for myself lol
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    Reintroducing Nitrogen in Late Bloom?

    Wanted to see if any of you had ever had to reintroduce N in late bloom (weeks 6-7) and if it had any negative consequences. I believe I screwed up by testing shutting down N early in flower. Clearly my current strain needs N at least for the first 4 weeks of bloom (I know this now). Most of my...
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    Bud Blood / MoaB VS late-stage PK boosters?

    That's the funny & sad thing about RIU & many other cannabis forums.. few regular contributors are truly 'wrong', they simply all have different setup / strains / environment / nute lineup etc. I like the passion with which they advocate for their reasoning but I wish it had fewer personal...
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    Nute to keep plant from getting too tall and more bushy?

    Man, I gotta say. Your plant pics are always beautiful looking. Nice work! Is there a thread where you share your nute lineup/schedule? Would love to get some insights into your methodology.
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    Bud Blood Experiences

    Hate to bring up a zombie thread, but I feel the info may be useful for whoever is looking to use Bud Blood. I discussed bloom stimulation products like MoaB, Shooting Powder, and Bud Blood with my hydro guys. According to them, the primary function is not to merely boost PK. The products have...
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    Bud Blood / MoaB VS late-stage PK boosters?

    What's your 3 part base? I'm guessing it already has a lot of PK in it, does adding Big Bud ever give you issues (nute burn / lockout)?
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    Bud Blood / MoaB VS late-stage PK boosters?

    I use ProTekt. That's probably the last thing I would give up.. plants really are stronger with it!
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    HELP!! First grow, Perfect to dying overnight!

    Some people get nasty for no good reason.. best to ignore them. Glad to see the plant survived! So in the end, was overwatering the issue? :D
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    Bud Blood / MoaB VS late-stage PK boosters?

    When you go to use Big Bud in weeks 2-4 of flower, what do you use it with?
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    Profit from Your expertise

    There are plenty of such 'consulting' websites around. Just Google it.
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    What is the optimal # of 4" rockwool cubes on a rockwool slab?

    Is that the 36" long slab?
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    What is the optimal # of 4" rockwool cubes on a rockwool slab?

    I'm already in 4x4 cubes and trying to avoid using larger cubes. This is why I'm looking at the slabs. I'd really like to understand how much of a difference it would make to have 4 plants instead of 3 plants per slab. If it's marginal, I'd be happy :)
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    Late-bloom period - PPM vs Suggested Dosages

    Thanks guys, appreciate all the input, even when it's all different in opinion :) So is the consensus that K is more important in last 2-3 weeks universal then? Because most supplement charts seem to emphasize P (given the ratios they make these nutrients). What's a good K booster I can get?
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    What is the optimal # of 4" rockwool cubes on a rockwool slab?

    Hey folks, For those who may have taken the above approach (4" rockwool cubes on rockwool slabs), how many plants would you recommend be placed in the slab - 3 or 4? I see most setups use either 3 or 4, and I'd love to know if having up to 4 plants will leave enough space for the roots to...