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  1. I

    Air Cooled Hoods for Temp Control

    LOL I wouldn't know tbh! I never dared take A/C off because I am positive it'll hit 100 :D
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    Air Cooled Hoods for Temp Control

    Not sure what this means, can you elaborate? Thanks :)
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    Air Cooled Hoods for Temp Control

    Six 1000w HPS lamps in a 330 sq ft room. Right now the heat is a major issue, and the damn AC keeps breaking so I'm looking for ways to keep the room cooler. The hoods would be a considerable investment so I kinda wanna make sure it makes sense financially :)
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    Air Cooled Hoods for Temp Control

    Hey guys, I'm looking for people who have experience with having lights without air-cooled hoods AND without them. How big of a difference do air cooled hoods make for overall temperature of the room? Is it nominal or significant?
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    Best Supplement For Yield In Final 3 Weeks

    Warmth is a bit of an issue because of the poor room setup. The lights (1000W HPS) give off a shit ton of heat (not vented hoods unfortunately). The canopy on average is at about 81 degrees during lights on with 1.5ft distance between top of canopy and bulb. The night time temps are considerably...
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    Best Supplement For Yield In Final 3 Weeks

    Funny thing about nute burn, I've never had it.. I usually don't get up to very high PPMs using my line-up, which is odd because they're not *that* conservative. My avg PPM is probably 1,000. I'm thinking I need to up it a bit to push the ladies more.. my first harvest was rather crappy, but I...
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    Best Supplement For Yield In Final 3 Weeks

    Thanks man, really appreciate it! I'm using various lines right now mainly because that's what I 'inherited'. Primary supplements are ProTekt, Flora Micro & Bloom, CalMag+, Liquid Karma, and CarboLoad. Non-regular-schedule stuff consists of Bud Blood when entering flower, and more minor stuff...
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    Best Supplement For Yield In Final 3 Weeks

    I cut out ProTekt half-way through the 8-week flower cycle per the average recommendations found online. Was that a mistake?
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    Best Supplement For Yield In Final 3 Weeks

    When you say size, you mean size or weight or both?
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    Best Supplement For Yield In Final 3 Weeks

    You can only choose one (in addition to regular feed you've been using like such as CalMag and FloraBloom). What is it? Overdrive? PK13/14? One of dozens of others? Name 'em and tell us why :)
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    Kelp Meal application?

    This was super helpful, exactly the type of info I was looking for with pics and everything! So you're recommending a weekly application? Thank you all for the replies :) I'm going to give the above recipe a shot.. I'm very interested in seeing what foliar application of that kelp meal blend...
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    Kelp Meal application?

    Hey guys, I've been reading about benefits of Kelp Meal, and I'd love to give it a try, but I have no idea where to start. 1) What kind of Kelp Meal do I buy? There seems to be several brands but from what I understand they're not all the same (dried = bad because it removes most of the good...
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    Sunshine #4 - soil or soilless?

    Not sure what you mean, I did buy it and already use it :)
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    Sunshine #4 - soil or soilless?

    Does this mean I should keep the soil and nute mix at 5.8 ph rather than 6.3?
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    When Growing With Sunshine Mix 4 what's the PH?

    I'm finding Sunshine 4 to be quite acidic. Even when I water at 7.0, the run off is at 5.8, IF that. Probably going to switch to rockwool because the plants are showing nute deficiency / imbalance signs which I'm betting is due to the acidity.
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    Sunshine #4 - soil or soilless?

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    Sunshine #4 - soil or soilless?

    Is this medium (the black bale, not yellow bale) considered soil or soilless? It naturally keeps more acidic (per the manufacturer) and I have no idea if I should be using higher or lower ph when watering it. Thanks!
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    Inadequate flushing?

    Hey all, I tried flushing for the first time but I think I didn't do enough of it. I only let about 10-20% runoff and I just saw that people recommend putting in 3x the amount of water as the pot holds which probably leads to a lot more runoff. Is this bad? What are some issues I may face? I...
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    Heat Stress + Slow Water Absorption + Discolored / Blotches on Leafs

    Yep! The younger dames are looking better over the last couple of days since some aggressive efforts to get the pH up. The new little leaves are healthy looking, while the old ones got chopped off today. Tomorrow I'm watering the older veg plants, then they get topped and pruned. Do you...
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    Heat Stress + Slow Water Absorption + Discolored / Blotches on Leafs

    This is exactly what I did today. Went out and bought old school pH test strips because I figured / hoped they would be most accurate. I do find it a little difficult to identify the color-based values especially when they're in the middle lol. But the big finding was that the strips report my...