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  1. Y

    2nd CFL Grow. Rubbermaid setup. Hoping to avoid the mistakes of last time.

    Oh super! There's a hydro shop about 10 minutes from here. I'll check it out in a couple days and hope there's a grow tent in the size I'm looking for. I'd be willing to pay a little extra to not have to deal with ordering online, I'm a LITTLE antsy about that. I guess I'll find out.
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    2nd CFL Grow. Rubbermaid setup. Hoping to avoid the mistakes of last time.

    DAY 2 I gots me some weedlings! It's amazing how much those little seedlings can grow in just their first couple hours. I woke up around 4:30 this morning (much to my chagrin... and I couldn't fall back asleep >.<) and my first sprouted plant looked like the middle photo (that's a different...
  3. Y

    2nd CFL Grow. Rubbermaid setup. Hoping to avoid the mistakes of last time.

    Okay, I'm calling it at five. That last one should've cracked by now. The one unplanted seed that I saw had just BARELY cracked yesterday had a nice, long tail on it today. I my others just BARELY under the dirt because their taproots were still pretty short, but I pushed away some of it to...
  4. Y

    2nd CFL Grow. Rubbermaid setup. Hoping to avoid the mistakes of last time.

    Got four planted, I'll do at least one more tomorrow, it had only JUST cracked this afternoon. The only holdout yet was also the littlest seed, so it's possible that one's a dud. But, for all I know it's cracked, too. It's been about ten hours since I least checked. My "nursery" is in my...
  5. Y

    2nd CFL Grow. Rubbermaid setup. Hoping to avoid the mistakes of last time.

    Well, they finally cracked. I woke up this morning and found four seeds with tiny little taproots starting to form. Now I just have to wait for them to reach a quarter inch, hopefully I can plant them tonight. I moved them from my dresser drawer to a kitchen cupboard and turned on the furnace...
  6. Y

    2nd CFL Grow. Rubbermaid setup. Hoping to avoid the mistakes of last time.

    Yeah, I think I *WILL* plant all of them, since I'll have a little more room than I originally planned, and they don't smell early on. Of course, there's still the fact that they have NOT YET GERMINATED! >.< Maybe the seeds have just gone bad, I last planted from them in May of last year, and I...
  7. Y

    Grow Tent Club

    Pending member. I'm gonna order me a 2x4x5 setup next week when I have the $. I should fit very well under my basement stairs, and since it's already black, it should blend in with the shadows and the other stuff I store down there quite nicely. I was gonna do a rubbermaid grow, but when I...
  8. Y

    2nd CFL Grow. Rubbermaid setup. Hoping to avoid the mistakes of last time.

    Not much to report yet. Seeds haven't germinated yet. I have them in paper towel and it's been 48 hours, so I'm a little concerned there. I know it can take longer than that, though. And it's been around 65-68 in here, maybe that's a little too cold for them to germinate but it shouldn't be. I...
  9. Y

    2nd CFL Grow. Rubbermaid setup. Hoping to avoid the mistakes of last time.

    Actually, now I'm leaning toward a grow tent. I saw that I can get one in the size I need for under a hundred bucks. That may suit my needs better, since I was a little worried about light leaks and odor control, etc. And it'll look a lot less conspicuous than two totes closed in on each other...
  10. Y

    2nd CFL Grow. Rubbermaid setup. Hoping to avoid the mistakes of last time.

    I did a closet grow the summer before last. They were going great for quite a while, and then a couple things went wrong. First and foremost, I waited so long to try again because my first time I made that potentially devastating rookie mistake of RUNNING MY MOUTH TOO MUCH! Thankfully it didn't...
  11. Y

    the silverdome goes green!

    I'm looking to get myself legalized, but I won't be able to afford all the fees until around mid-October. Not because that's harvest time. I'm not a grower: I rent a townhouse, growing here is too risky for my comfort. I did a closet grow for myself last summer when I was living somewhere more...
  12. Y

    i'm wondering weather or not salvia is a good idea or not

    I just did some 10x. It was the first hallucinogen I've ever tried, and it felt like falling asleep and having a dream, only I know full well I was awake the whole time. And like a dream, I didn't even realize I was tripping until near the end. And after I woke up, it was like "Woah! Where did...
  13. Y

    Delving into shroom growing too

    This might be something for me to look into. I did my first closet grow this summer and it hermied on me, it was potent, but it cut the grow real short and I ended up with only a couple ounces of seeded bud. Very disappointed. But I'm moving to an apartment soon, and I just don't feel...
  14. Y

    Good times - Making fun of an editorial outlining anti marijuana views - Priceless

    Yes it is. And we're BARELY making headway against it. Which makes me want to drop to my knees and cry tears of blood! I believe the key here is vigilance. Never think "Oh, no one will take THAT idiot seriously." Never give any opponent an inch here. Any time they spew forth more lies, we need...
  15. Y

    Go Mexico

    Decriminalization is a useless half-measure. If there's no legal way to ACQUIRE the stuff, then all the problems with the black market will remain. I think maybe some people see legalization as inevitable and they're trying to bring it about gradually. I can see the logic in that, but how many...
  16. Y

    Be careful!!!!

    There's only one way to put an end to that, and it's a solution that governments are fighting against tooth and nail. Of course, if cannabis prohibition were REALLY an issue of morality, it would've ended years ago. It may not have even started in the first place.
  17. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Well, it's all done. I finished the last of my water curing today. Final weigh in, around 2 ounces. It's hard to get that number exact because of the bits I've already smoked. I didn't harvest it all at once, so. And most of it is water cured, so that means it lost some of its weight. If I had...
  18. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    A lot more brown on my two late-maturers today. So, right now I have some bud being water-cured, that'll be done in exactly a week. And the way things are looking, that's probably when I'll harvest these last three plants. I suppose I'll trim the leaf around Thursday. I don't know if that even...
  19. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    And probably about 60 growing. I don't feel like doing the math. I harvested Ginny today, Makes sense that she and Luna would've matured first, though. They were positioned in a way that they probably got hit hard by pollen, because the outtake of air went right through them especially. But...
  20. Y

    WTF! My bong just broke apart in my hands!

    I was cleaning it with alcohol and salt, as is the method I'd seen recommended so much online, and yeah, that buildup came right off, but it also shattered like it had just been soaked in liquid nitrogen. Maybe that method doesn't work for acrylic bongs, but you know, one of these guides...