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  1. Y

    This looks male to me, but I want to be sure.

    First grow, so those of you who've been here awhile have probably seen a lot of guys like me. I'm fairly sure I'm seeing balls on my plant, but I want to defer to a more experienced eye before I chop it down. And it wouldn't really be devastating news. I'm growing from bagseed and planted eight...
  2. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Okay, I fed and watered the plants before they went to bed-- which will be in about fifteen minutes. But I took each out and examined them. Still no signs of pee-pees or hoo-hoos, but I decided to take some photos of them. And for scale I included that standard unit of measurement among the...
  3. Y

    My First Grow - Again.

    One way to generate CO2 is take a gallon jug and fill it with water and four of five cups of sugar. Then add a packet of bread yeast. But, also be sure to poke holes in the jug's cap, lots of them. I've made hard cider before, and I know how much CO2 can build up even from a small fraction of...
  4. Y

    My First Grow - Again.

    Judging by what's in the FAQs, my guess would be heat burn or magnesium deficiency. But under no circumstances should you simply take my word for it, since I'm a beginner at this myself.
  5. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Same-time post, cool. If they're all female. I'm not sure. I don't want them crowded in there too tightly, but at the same time it would actually help that they aren't all the same height. Lights hung over my smaller plants would provide top light for them, and side light for my larger plants...
  6. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    I learned one thing from last night's first dark cycle, I have to be more prudent in how far I hang my lights. One of my plants suffered some heat burn because overnight it grew up to where it was in contact with the lights, and then I was still sleeping when the light cycle began, so the...
  7. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Okay, today was a big day: my plants just started their first dark cycle about half an hour ago. I peeked in there a few minutes after nine just to make sure the timer did its job. I'm just a little concerned about how much light leak there will be between the hours of, oh, 6-9 am. But I looked...
  8. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    I had a busy, crappy, humid, poorly-sleeping week. Which obviously cut into my posting updates. But, since I'm going to switch to 12/12 on Monday, I thought I'd get one more set of pics up before I did that. And since I'll be busy most of tomorrow, I figured today would be the last chance to...
  9. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    I meant to put pics up, but a combination of being busy and the site's downtime delayed that. Then I took a couple a few minutes ago. But I think I stupidly deleted the images from camera instead of copying them. I didn't sleep well last night, and my brain isn't running at full capacity. I'm a...
  10. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Pics tomorrow. That'll be day 30, so that seemed like a good day to do one. Also, I did the last of my transplanting yesterday. So, I'll give my small plants another week to veg, and then onto the fun part!
  11. Y

    CNN special "America’s High: The case for and against pot"

    I watched the version that had Mike Nelson's commentary on it. That was fun to watch because it just helped to have the wisecracking. I really loved MST3K and now I'm really into the Rifftrax that he does. When he did Reefer Madness, my friends said "Oh, that movie makes fun of itself", which a...
  12. Y

    My First Grow - Again.

    Well, they're starting to get nice and frosty, so that's something noteworthy to show. ^_^ But I know what you mean. I watch a lot of timelapses, and during the vegging it looks really cool to watch, and then during flowering the buds slowly fill in for a long time, and then suddenly explode...
  13. Y

    CNN special "America’s High: The case for and against pot"

    Yeah, I've seen Reefer Madness too. I WOULD find that movie funny if I didn't know what it helped unleash.
  14. Y

    CNN special "America’s High: The case for and against pot"

    I'm watching this Should I Smoke Dope? documentary and I absolutely hate it! I'm about halfway through, and I'm just getting increasingly offended. So far it's pretty much anti-pot bullshit! They're just LYING!
  15. Y

    My First Grow - Again.

    OH! And I think I know what those "funky leaf patterns" might be. Because one of my plants has that too. When I fimmed, I think I didn't trim off enough of one of the newly forming sets of leaves. So it didn't really give me the new stalks like I wanted, but I have these truncated leaves that...
  16. Y

    My First Grow - Again.

    You gots to put up another update. I want to see how these girls are doing. And I'm also interested in that Febreeze tub deal you have. I saw the picture. Is that still working pretty well to hide the odor? Because my grow closet is in the closet of a spare bedroom. When you enter that room, the...
  17. Y

    first time grower..EVER!!...bag budget!!

    Those look about the size of my largest. (unfortunately there's a ten-day age difference between my biggest and smallest plant. That's complicating the switch to 12/12, but I'm looking at a week from Monday for that.) Those plants of yours definitely overcame some hardships, but they seem to be...
  18. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Technically, I'm just under two hours into day twenty-EIGHT, but you get what I mean here. Okay, I put everything into the growroom on... Thursday. While I was hanging a new set of lights, one of the other cords went to low and one of the bulbs was pressed against one of my plants. So, one of...
  19. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Momentous day, this. I did my first transplanting today. I got my hands on three containers that were the right size, and I'll get more very quickly. They were a bit more rootbound than it appeared when I looked through the sides of those cups, but not serious. I think I did it at just about the...
  20. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Yeah, I see what you mean. Fuck that. I can get plastic pots for that amount around here, which I can reuse if I decide to grow again.