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  1. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    After a clarification of exactly what topping does. (I had slightly misunderstood, but I get it now), I went ahead and topped (technically: fimmed) my three largest plants before I went to bed, you'll see that in my close-ups. Other than that, they're moving right along. I can't believe I've...
  2. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Thanks for that. I'll probably be topping them pretty quick then. Because that's about where they are. I'll probably take more pics tomorrow, but I'm just beside myself at how fast they're starting to grow and from everything I've read, they haven't even hit their stride yet. I also put in a...
  3. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Got my first set of 7-bladed leaves today. I thought it was just gonna be another set of 5-bladers, but the extra two grew while I was sleeping. I'm trying to find the right containers to transplant them into. I'm looking at two-gallon. I'm expecting about 18-inch high plants here, and I...
  4. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    I was a bit busy to make an update over the last couple days. But I'm here now. I stuck a fan in there shortly after my last update and it did wonders. In a day those stems were thicker and stronger. That one leaner I had is standing upright and proud. Then a younger plant started to lean a...
  5. Y

    Why Do You Grow Marijuana?

    A lot of the same reasons other people have. I don't really have a lot of money to spend on weed. The last time I DID have enough to buy myself a 1/4 bag, it took me forever to score some. I don't know any dealers personally, so I had to go through friends and family who may have been able to...
  6. Y

    Is there any reason not to put iced salt water into a bong?

    I've just got a quickie home made bong that I constructed from a pop bottle, as many of us have probably done. But, it's the first bong I ever used and it's now far and away my favorite way to smoke. For something disposable, I've had it for a month, I enjoy it, and intend to get myself a "real"...
  7. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Well, you're obviously doing something right, because I've been keeping an eye on your grow journal. If that's how MINE look in another two weeks, I'll be very pleased!
  8. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    The thing about that one is its stem comes out of the ground that way. Right at the base it's curved. You can't see it anymore because I added a little soil to help correct it. But I don't want to do that again because I'm worried I could cause stem rot if I bury it too much. I think I may...
  9. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    The last of my seeds have sprouted, and they seem to be doing just fine. So, I'm up to my eight. That does mean there's about a ten-day offset between my oldest and youngest plant. That may be problematic when it comes time to flower. I'll probably split the difference, since I'm potentially in...
  10. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Day 9 I took some pics today after all because I have my closet set up. I don't have as many lights in there yet as I plan to, but I moved my three large seedlings in there because the two CFLs that are there now are providing as much if not more than the two small tubes I had them under. I'd...
  11. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Oh! And I noticed my soil seems to be drying more quickly. Does that mean my plant is developing more roots that are drinking up the water more quickly? Because if that's so, then that's probably what I want to see happen. ^_^
  12. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Quick update, and this might be a good lesson for some other newcomers to growing. I think I had my light TOO close to the plants. They're fluorescent so it didn't burn them, but I think it made the plants not know which way to grow. I raised the lights just half an inch or so about three hours...
  13. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    No pics today because I don't really feel like putting them up EVERY day. I'm looking at Tuesday as another pic day. I should have plenty of new sprouted plants by then, and ten days in seems like a nice round number to take pics for. But I WILL describe what's happening. I'm heading into town...
  14. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Yeah, I put the lights where I did because some guides I was looking at the time recommended 10cm distance, or about 4 inches. From what I read HERE, it should've been half that if not closer. So, my stems are a little scrawnier than I'd like. But, now they ARE about the proper distance. So...
  15. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    Oh, BTW, people are welcome to post replies. Just keep in mind what I'm up to here. This is for personal use. I don't really have to ability or desire to do a highly-sophisticated, top-of-the-line operation. I'm just doing the best I can with what I've already got and the limited few bucks I...
  16. Y

    First time CFL closet grow on a budget.

    These are from a bag of... pot. Pretty good pot, that's as far as I can narrow it down. I had one false start where I think I buried the seeds too deep, they didn't germinate, I dug them them up and, alas, they were dead. But the way I see it, I learned something and it's better to fail two days...