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  1. joker1420

    expected yield and opinions??

    3-4 zips maybe more
  2. joker1420

    what should i choose for nutes for flowering..need to know before she dies

    MG tastes like shit if you have to use shults they have it at some walmarts and meijer it will taste better
  3. joker1420

    This shit safe to smoke?

    Well if u turn into a lizard u know it was the shit!!
  4. joker1420

    Strange Branch

    NICE!!Thats cool
  5. joker1420

    First post! My set-up; suggestions and/ advice welcome.

    That should get the job done but i would go with the solubles as they make a hell of a difference
  6. joker1420

    Open sesame, beastie bloomz, cha ching

    Thats good shit it will definitely help
  7. joker1420

    white gunk

    Keep your res temps down to
  8. joker1420

    Using 400 watt light....

    Depends u can do 6 or so small plants in a sog or u can do 2 in a scrog
  9. joker1420

    Good strains

    Pure power plant is a really good plant
  10. joker1420

    auto X photo

    A friend of mine crossed a afagan with a lowryder#2 male and the seeds where not auto but they where good..He is trying to get auto though so he is hitting it agen with the lowryder male
  11. joker1420

    auto X photo

    So are u trying to make a silver haze auto??
  12. joker1420

    Wanted to show off a beautiful picture of my DCxSC

    NICE!! looks like it's going to be some good smokebongsmilie
  13. joker1420

    Crowning buds ,are they bad ,need help !!

    I think it has a lot to do with strain and nutrients and no it is not a bad thing..I run the same strains as my buddy and he runs dirt and his don't crown but mine do but my budz are bigger and weigh more..
  14. joker1420

    who uses cha ching?

    Agree u can't beat ff nutrients
  15. joker1420

    Durban Poison - which seedbank do you suggest?

    Go with DP they have good strains check out the attitude seedbank
  16. joker1420

    Feeding, watering, flushing questions

    :joint::joint:what medium?? 1.every other watering 2.flush last 2 weeks plain water 3.don't know but i would leave the water alone 4.good question:joint:
  17. joker1420

    my trees vs legalized weed - differences?

    It all depends on strain and conditions not if it is legal or not legal..The only advantage is that patients have dispensaries to sort through the crappy shit and sell the best..but people that are illegal can grow great smoke just with a bigger risk..
  18. joker1420

    1' x 1' Speaker - Should I use 70W HPS or 100W? (concerning the heat..)

    100-150w cfl and git a computer fan for exaust
  19. joker1420

    [B]Super small white worm IN SEEDS!!!![/B]

    use foxfarm soil or a sterile mix like promix