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  1. joker1420

    Mystery Grow! Look about ready?

    Let it go it will be worth it
  2. joker1420

    seedlings stopped growing for 10 days

    They look ok seeds don't grow fast just don't start throwing nutrients on them that will kill them
  3. joker1420

    3'n'Half weeks flowering.. thoughts?! First grow

    Looking good but i would have to agree go with the 1000w hps and watch them blow up
  4. joker1420

    cfl veg / hps flower?

    I would use T5 for veg they work great
  5. joker1420

    ? about autoflowering seeds

    Start feeding them bloom nutrients when u start seeing a lot of hairs and start the feed schedule on the bottle but when u start to see brown hairs use the overdrive and u will see a big difference..I will run that for a week or so then start flushing
  6. joker1420

    Purple haze

    Positronics is where i got mine but i am not sure if they have them in stock
  7. joker1420

    Fukin pigs

    Sorry for your loss man that sucks..Sad to get in trouble over a plant but i would be whooping some ass all in all
  8. joker1420

    My Never Ending Quest for the Best !

    That is a good choice in strains u should find some good moms in there
  9. joker1420

    oil/extract pops when smoking, problems?

    It should be ok resin from a bowl pops when u smoke it but don't take word on that
  10. joker1420

    Input on a retarded plant...

    What strain is it??I would let it go
  11. joker1420


    I would go 18\6 any more is just a waist
  12. joker1420

    From a growers perspective - Please Advise

    Do u live in a state were it is legal for medical??If not just watch your P's&Q's and for a good strain i would say white widow is a good starter plant it is easy to grow and will give u good yields
  13. joker1420

    Hermie, right?

    That looks like a male a hermie has a little bud on it
  14. joker1420


    I would use just straight water for a couple weeks and save your $$
  15. joker1420

    Best strains for good head highs suggestion

    Purple haze through positronics
  16. joker1420

    The full moon

    That is a good question it would be cool if it did
  17. joker1420

    2nd Grow - Tangerine Dream.

    Nice setup is that an autoflower
  18. joker1420

    Can i use training techniques during a 12/12 grow?

    I would say tie it down the others will stress it.. how long has it been in flower??
  19. joker1420

    super cropping hieght

    I wait till they get about 12" tall
  20. joker1420

    My first grow, few q's.

    Yeah get it out of there unless u want seeds