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  1. Crayola

    Concealing their true identity

    my situation is depressing. my plants are looking awesome, and they're growing like crazy... but they are pretty much getting to look like an obvious pot plant - and in my current living situation, that is a bad thing :-( can i trim the leaves at all, or somehow conceal their true identity in...
  2. Crayola

    New sprouts

    i just mist them with a spray bottle and keep the soil moist for the first week or so. you can do this a few times a day and the little sprouts love it :-) don't pour water in though... the sprouts can easily drown :-(
  3. Crayola

    How are we doin?

    woo hoo! haha i'm psyched for an HPS deal and so are my plants :-P
  4. Crayola

    How are we doin?

    haha alright, i guess i might as well make the better investment :-D just gotta come up with the cash haha... at least i have at least 4 weeks to do it :-)
  5. Crayola

    Just smashed my enviro light! LESSON TO ALL!!

    yeah that's why i like my fluorescent lights. they don't care what they get on them, they just keep shining nice bright light for my green friends :-)
  6. Crayola

    How are we doin?

    the one above is a 150W HPS for like 94 bucks this one is nice, it's a 250 watt HPS for 117 bucks High Tech Garden Supply
  7. Crayola

    How are we doin?

    would this be a good buy do you think? i just took a look in the link you posted and found this High Tech Garden Supply it'll probably be another 2 or 3 weeks before i buy anything though... just doesn't hurt to get the idea of what i should be looking for ahead of time :)
  8. Crayola

    How are we doin?

    alright, so i'd love to buy myself a HPS system for flowering purposes. how powerful of a lamp should i look into buying? 50W? 400W? nothing more than that lol... i would love to be able to spend less than a hundred bucks. i checked on ebay a week or two ago and all i could find was the same...
  9. Crayola

    Just smashed my enviro light! LESSON TO ALL!!

    man that fucking blows better luck with the new ones
  10. Crayola

    How are we doin?

    oh no no no lol i took those pics of them last night, believe me, these plants are looking great as far as i can see, very short and bushy just like you saw, and just the way i hoped they would be. i don't know if you remember posting on my older threads when i had my new setup, and my plants...
  11. Crayola

    How are we doin?

    oh and by the way green_nobody, i don't know if it matters, but these plants used to be wicked leggy... if we're counting all the stem that they actually grew before i reburied them, they'd probably be around 6-9 inches tall...probably with no leaves and possibly dead too... lol thankfully i...
  12. Crayola

    How are we doin?

    so basically would it just be cheaper in the long run for me to bite the bullet now and get the HPS system? also, how difficult is it to wire up the lamps to the ballast and all that stuff? cause that's mainly why i'm so apprehensive about buying one haha... i like things simple. :-P
  13. Crayola

    How are we doin?

    It seems like it was just yesterday that my four plants were just tiny, leggy little sprouts with two little cotyledons just coming out, but here it is, 4.5 weeks since they sprouted (except Plant A, which is only 3.5 weeks old), and they are well on their way to becoming big healthy plants :-)...
  14. Crayola

    How A Plant Works

    wow! green i had no idea electrical conductivity of water affected a plant's growth haha! that's pure insanity. that's really interesting, i'll have to read up on that. :-)
  15. Crayola

    How A Plant Works

    yeah that really is an awesome reference. props toke :-) under "Water 20%" though, what is EC?
  16. Crayola

    Frustrated intx

    you don't have to be a botanist to grow weed... but if you really are interested in growing good bud for yourself, by harvesting time you'll end up knowing a thing or two about botany! i have to say that growing weed has definitely got me into the whole gardening thing. it's all really...
  17. Crayola

    aww shit

    unless you want to get seeds and reduce the potency of your yield, kill em...
  18. Crayola

    odor removing machine

    pure fucking genius. you may have just saved my grow operation :-D
  19. Crayola

    fyi Noob

    haha well sounds like you're at the beginning of a fun adventure :-) believe me man, you came to the right place! hope everything turns out well ;-) :peace:
  20. Crayola

    unique canna recipes

    god damn, where's the mystery machine when it need it??