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  1. Crayola

    The ultimate COOKIE recipe

    don't know what those images are... hah
  2. Crayola

    The ultimate COOKIE recipe

    fuck this sounds awesome i think i'm gonna have to try this recipe out this very evening lol :-)
  3. Crayola

    How do you neutralize/mask that skunky smell?

    haha thanks. i just hope i can keep this up and get that smell under wraps so i don't have to move my poor little plants lol
  4. Crayola

    How do you neutralize/mask that skunky smell?

    awesome ideas guys! i might be imagining it, but i think right now i can slightly smell the plants from the computer desk like five feet away haha. so these ideas are perfectly in the knick of time. :-)
  5. Crayola

    How do you neutralize/mask that skunky smell?

    Alright, my plants are doing really well after i changed the growing situation around a little bit. Every day i wake up and see the fruits of their overnight labor! It's great. However, I'm now just starting to notice that when you get close to them, you get a whiff of that classic skunky...
  6. Crayola

    my plant in mellow yellow

    dude that's fucked up, that looks just like what happened to my little three week old plant :-( and it only got worse best of luck to ya man, i hope things don't get bad before you figure out the problem
  7. Crayola


    haha awesome. my cat's name is Orpheus lol.. it's an odd name, after the greek tale of that guy Orpheus who went to the underworld to save his wife, only he wasn't supposed to look back, but he did on accident, and then she disappeared. it's a sad story.
  8. Crayola

    Yellowing Leaves

    heh, ok, thanks mogie. i don't overwater my plants or overspend, but i might overanalyze the grow lol :rolleyes: thanks for the info though, i didn't know that a gentle wind increases stem strength! :-) i'm glad that i have that fan going. :peace:
  9. Crayola

    red (haired) stems

    my little seedlings have red stems but they seem to be growing well. i definitely will look into the ph of my soil and water as well as the nutrient content :-)
  10. Crayola

    Altered light cycles

    basically you just can't do a 24/12. everything on this earth has evolved to cope with the light cycles with some combination of light hours and dark hours that add up to 24 hours. if you were to try to mess around with something so fundamental as the sum of light and dark hours, you would...
  11. Crayola

    What strain? Where from?

    awesome reference mogie :-) i'll have to use that link for when my random bag seeds run out :-P
  12. Crayola


    i like the rock fountain idea. it seems like the sound would be really relaxing. maybe i'll pick one up this week :-)
  13. Crayola

    Yellowing Leaves

    also, i forgot - i really would like to start using nutes. is it still too early for this? and if so, then when is the right time to start? if not, what n-p-k ratio should i think about using for some awesome vegetative growth?
  14. Crayola

    Yellowing Leaves

    alright, i have four young seedlings. three of them are a little over three weeks old, and the other is a little over two weeks old. just yesterday i noticed a slight discoloration of the leaf tip of Plant B (three weeks old). At the end of the day, i checked on my plants, and the tip of its...
  15. Crayola


    man... poor leggy plant way up there lol...
  16. Crayola


    buy a cheap humidifier. look, this one only costs 30 bucks and i bet you could find one cheaper. JardenStore - HM8405RC-U - 4 Gallon Warm Mist Humidifier with AccuSet+ and Remote Control
  17. Crayola

    How to fly high???

    ok. this thread is really funny and creative. but it all of a sudden made me remember why i fucking hate the world for making weed illegal. GOD DAMNIT why is ganja bad and alcohol perfectly legal???
  18. Crayola

    help plants still dieing,after fixing problems

    wow this is an awesome thread mogie. this should be made into a bug reference sticky thread or something.
  19. Crayola

    Seed Sex

    sweet. thanks a lot guys, my question has been answered :-) :peace:
  20. Crayola


    i would go for it. if you've got the rooting hormones and you have the general idea of what to do, you might as well give it a shot. gotta start somewhere. just make sure you use a clean blade to make the cutting, and also make sure to cut at an angle to maximize the surface area for roots on...